39: The Truth

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"It's not just random blood that was handed off to you. It's a Quirk."

Nagant squinted her eyes in question. "Madame?"

"After having the time necessary to conduct their studies it turns out that the vial of blood the Hassaikai member handed to you isn't just some vial of blood containing a random substance, but the very substance we've been searching for to begin with." The Commission President informed. "The blood contains Quirk cells that when combined with another sample of blood coming from a person with a Quirk, actively destroy the second sample's Quirk cells until there is not a single trace of it left in the blood. The effect is instantaneous, however, it doesn't last long. The duration lasts for at most five minutes before the Quirk cells begin to regenerate and return to normal. We believe this is because the product has not yet reached it's most refined state of process but final stage or not, this poses a large threat on our society.

The Hassaikai are expecting the Safety Commission to slide funds and security underneath the table in exchange for more of these products, and while that is going to happen, they won't know our true intention. You will be the messenger between the two parties. Your task is to play along with this role and figure out as much as you can about this organization and report it back to us. We need to understand who's in charge, who's responsible for this operation, where does the supply come from, who are the Yakuza lieutenants, and who are potential targets of this operation. With all of this information we'll be able to form a task force to act and dismantle the operation from the inside out, crippling the Hassaikai hopefully for good.

But before any of that you are to meet up with Sir Nighteye at his agency. It turns out, he's been studying up on this Hassaikai group for some time now and is looking to dismantle the organization for himself along with a few other agencies, Ryukyu and Fatgum among those involved."

"Fatgum I know little about I won't involve myself with him. Ryukyu I've never heard of, can they be trusted?"

"I wouldn't bother, she's currently number nine on the most recent charting for the hero billboard but in terms of track record there's much to be desired. If you don't need information don't bother with her. She's of no use."


"There is one more thing you must know. Previous contacts with Sir Nighteye have led us to understand he's stubborn and hard headed, meaning he may not be so adamant about relinquishing information about the Hassaikai. Though judging off your delusion of wanting to see this agency burn to the ground I trust you have your ways to get what you want when faced with resistance."

"I'll do what I must, violence isn't always a method to resort to."

The President's tired eyes opened a little. "My my, that's a much more different mindset than you've previously had. And not to mention the absence of your little ducklings by your side what ever happened to those three?"

"Cold feet." Nagant answered. "They weren't prepared for the reality of what it is that we do. Don't blame them, they're only first years living in a pampered reality."

"Have they now? Hmm, that's quite the shame, I was interested to see how your experience would influence each of them to make their own decisions on their comeuppance. Especially the yellow haired one he was quite peculiar that one, what was his name again?"

"Look it up, that's what a database is for."

"Ah yes, Denki Kaminari, quite the oddball that one is isn't he? Kindled by the fury that is vengeance against the League of Villains, after all how could you of all people be bothered by somebody you've never met unless it was for allowing somebody to find them through you. Shame, seeing as how we've managed to pinpoint Muscular's location but erm, you won't be needing that information anymore will you. Have you always been a means to an end?"

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