48: Drawn Emotions

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The front bell to the Hassaikai compound buzzed as per usual to Nagant's presence, the woman placing a hand behind her neck as she rolled her head around. Twisting her head side to side popped the joints of her neck until she stopped and furrowed her eyebrows when nobody responded to her presence. By usual standards it took no longer than a few seconds for somebody to come answer the gate but on this morning, nobody has come yet. "Hmm..."


A second buzz of the gate's bell hummed it's ugly noise, Nagant taking a step away from the front gate in the event of something unexpected. Something was different this morning, she didn't know how to explain it but she could feel it running along her spine. There was a slight heaviness in the air as if somebody was planning something against her that she did not know about, but was aware about it just enough to detect the sense of danger. She waited for somebody to come open the front gate but again, nobody did. Not even a response from the other side asking who it was that buzzed to come in. This has never happened before.

"This is, odd..."


At last the front gate squeaked open but not by the usual doorman that Nagant was accustomed to seeing every morning, rather by somebody else. Somebody that made her eyebrows perk at the sight of them going out of their way to greet her at the front gate themselves. "Overhaul."

"Greetings, Lady Nagant." The Hassaikai boss greeted with the slightest of bows to the woman. "I apologize for the delay in answering the gate there was...something, that required my attention."

"Bit of an odd job to have the head of the Hassaikai answer the door isn't it?"

"Normally, but I took this upon myself because I bring the unfortunate news that for two days, you are barred from entering this compound effective immediately."

Nagant widened her eyes and crossed her arms. "EXCUSE me? You understand my involvement here is what gets you your funds do you not?"

"Indeed, that statement is a fact that I cannot deny nor will I ever." Overhaul replied. "But after a recent incident regarding something amongst this facility we've been forced to take measures regarding the safety of our product and it's future. Rest assured Lady Nagant none of these measures are in any manner related to you, it's merely within our own sanctuary that the concern resides. You are involved with the project yes, but do not forget whose house you are being invited into. Liberty to shut out you and the Safety Commission is at my free disposal."

"The President of the Commission won't take too kindly to this you understand."

"I am aware, and prepared for the event of any unfavorable consequences. You can come back in two days after the situation has been cleared away, any moment earlier and you will be met with reasons for why you should have heeded my request. Until then."

Nagant opened to speak but was met by the abrupt shut of the front gate in her face, her mouth closing into an annoyed huff. This irked her, greatly. Not because of the matter that this was Safety Commission duty but rather because by this point she had grown accustomed to the usual routine and layout that is the Hassaikai labyrinth underneath. Now she has to wait two days until she may return? And return with the possibility that things on the inside will change to her annoyance? There was a suspicious stench about all of this, and she figured she knew why.


"DENIED? You mean to tell me you've come up to my office this morning and tell me that your entrance into the compound has been DENIED?"

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now