30: Breaking and Entering

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Nightfall. The stars were bright and shining throughout the blanket of a dark cosmos, the moon almost hanging directly over the earth but not quite yet. And under the light of the heavenly moon, a large warehouse buzzed with both civilian and contracted security guards, cargo containers stacked like playing blocks in several clusters spread throughout the courtyard. The warehouse was placed near a dock on one side of a river that separated the city into two halves, the dock currently inhabiting a large ship that had been parked to unload it's contents. Off in the distance and in the direction of the city across the river, the sound of faint helicopter propellers sliced through the air until the silhouette of the vehicle solidified against the nightsky and flew to the warehouse. In black and dark grey colored paint with the logo of the security company on it's side the helicopter aimed for a large landing pad on the second floor of the facility and touched down with grace, a side door sliding open as a landing crew member in a bright orange uniform jogged up to the open vehicle.

Surrounding the perimeter of the warehouse was a tall stone wall with barbed wire curling along the top of the wall except at the very front where a security post was being manned by two front guards. Each guard wore the same uniform of military issue black and dark grey colored fatigues, black berets slouched over their heads with the insignia of their company logo brandished at the front. The patch of their company were slapped onto each shoulder as one of the guards with an assault rifle slung around his body lit the other end of a cigarette in his mouth and shut off the lighter, taking a deep pull of tobacco before he blew out the smoke and turned to his partner beside him on the left.

"You hear about who managed to get their ass out of Tartarus lately?"

"Lady Nagant huh?" The second guard answered, the first guard scoffing and taking another pull. "Not gonna lie I thought whoever was placed inside of there was either going to be executed or rot their life away. Didn't think they'd take her back out to be a hero again. What do you think she was locked up for?"

"I heard it had something to do with icing another hero during her duty but who knows, probably some cover up for some other shit if I'm being honest. Not that I wanna find out anytime soon."

"Scared of her?"

"Me? SCARED? Pfft, put the pipe down I ain't scared of nobody hell not even All Might before he turned into that shriveled form of a skeleton. Now worried? Yeah, a little bit. She's a woman, and after what happened on I-Island with her and a bunch of other heroes, she's a pissed off woman no doubt about that. I feel bad for whatever sorry fucker's responsible for that attack, cause they're gonna be on the ass end of a woman with a vendetta."

The second guard furrowed his eyebrows and turned to his partner. "Uh...we did that."

"....huh.......AHHHH it's no problem at all." The first guard played off with a billow of his smoke. "I'm sure she ain't stupid enough to try anything anytime soon with a company like us. Especially not by herself."

The two guards ended their conversation and looked in opposite ways of the street that they were stationed in front of, oblivious to the movement in the sewer system beneath them. Rats cowered and ran from the disturbance of another presence as the large shadow of a woman was casted against the wall of the tunnel it until it became smaller as it reached an intersection of the tunnels and stepped out into the middle.


With her right boot splashing into a small puddle Nagant sighed as she looked left and right of the intersection of sewer tunnels, finding a ladder that led up to a manhole down the left tunnel and moving to it. Instead of her hero uniform the woman resorted to a more clandestine outfit of a single tone color that was black, ditching the purple of her outfit for a more sleek touch. A leather back zipper bodysuit that she borrowed from Midnight rode every curve of her body with flawless touch, the curvature of her butt and legs being shown off to her annoyance but making do just for tonight. Hanging from the grip of her right hand was a black balaclava with two holes cut out for her eyes as the suppressor attached MP5 that was slung around the right of her body bounced off of her thigh with every step she took, the five-seven pistol also with a suppressor strapped inside of the holster around her right leg. As well as her utility belt with the absence of her hair bullets that had been swapped out for four magazines of each firearm she carried.

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