21: Gutsy

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"-he's bleeding out! We gotta get him-"

"-zuku, stay with me. Hey! Can you hear me?! IZUKU-..."


"...can't stay here! Take him to the mainland he'll be much better off-"

"Young Midoriya will remain here on the island, if there's any facility I trust in having a student of mine be hospitalized in, it's here...."


"....about time Hawks, it's been days-"

"Why is she here? You are not supposed to be here you're supposed to be back at Tartarus. Guards, get her out of here."

"Wha-You can't do this to me! Hawks let me stay with him PLEASE!"

"Sorry, that isn't my call to make. You've been past due to the prison for a couple days now you have to go back. I'm sorry."

"Let go of me, Izuku! Hawks please! IZUKUUU!...."


"...something, ANYTHING that would at least let me know if my son will make it through."

"We're trying our best Mrs. Midoriya, but even now several days after the incident we still don't know the full report on the damage done to his body. Once the bandages come off completely and we perform a full examination, you will be the first to be notified. I promise. Your son however keeps slipping in between the realms of conscious and unconsciousness, we don't know if he's going to enter a comatose state or not. Unfortunately, we can only play the waiting game...."





"Inmate entering the containment area."

A chorus of rifles were taken off safety, doors sliding open on one side of the Bird Cage area to reveal Lady Nagant wrapped in her usual attire of a walking chain coffin, bags under her eyes from the many nights where sleep was such a rarity. Instead of the usual set of green that would sit smiling in the cage and excited to see her, it was replaced by the teacher that was Midnight, a black clothing article folded neatly in front of her on the table with one leg crossed over the other. She waited patiently with clasped hands over the article, the escort making quick work in placing Nagant inside the cage and removing the restraints. The door locked behind her, the prisoner shambling to the table where she took her seat with a solemn look.

"Hello Kaina." Midnight softly greeted. "How are you today?"

"...tired..." Nagant answered above a whisper, her eyes traveling to the folded black clothing while she raised a hand out as if to receive something. "Please?"

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now