46: A Week In "Paradise"

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Lady Nagant's trip to I-Island dedicated to establishing the baseline of her and Izuku Midoriya's relationship will last for a duration of five days. On the sixth morning, she is to return to Japan and reunite with her other self to bank all collected information into a whole being.

Today is day one. Monday.


At the top office of the Safety Commission's headquarters the elevator pinged with the doors sliding open, a single figure stepping out with their heavy boots thudding with every step they took. Listening to the footfalls that grew closer the Commission President gazed out of the window behind her desk with hands crossed over the small of her back, her watchful eye scanning over each and every building that her eyes can see. The steps made their way all the way up to her desk where they stopped and nothing else could be heard, until a throat cleared with a hand raising up in greetings. "Uh, hey."

The President smiled as she turned over her right shoulder to the individual in front of her desk. "Good afternoon Kaminari, it's a pleasure to see you here again. Come join me at the window please."

Making his way around the desk Kaminari stepped up to the left side of the President where he too looked out the window of her office. "What do you see?"


"Hmph, yes by the most basic terms of one's perspective there are in fact buildings to be observed and noted to. But I want you to look past the buildings look past what your eyes want you to see, think about what your mind sees. What's out there?"

"I uh....don't, really know what exactly I'm supposed to see here."

"What do you think of when the word society comes into your mind?"

"Society? Um..." Kaminari hummed. "A, civilization of people who all live together and function as one group. Or at least, try to function as one."

"Excellent description." The President commended. "The key factor in that all is try. Try to function as one.

Society is an unfortunate term as no matter how much effort or how many attempts are put forward to keep society running as smooth as possible, it just never is. Corruption corrodes in places that shouldn't corrode people fall ill to the lunacy that lingers in all of us villains stride to achieve what is their dream. With the existence of police and heroes you'd think that would be enough to snuff out the weeds in our garden that continue to sprout and sprout again no matter how many times you pull them out. But sadly, that's not the case in our world. Where one weed is removed two more grow in it's place, where two weeds are removed another four replace it. The garden is always threatened by the existence of weeds, sprouting up in places that are better off made for the placement of other produce.

The authorization of force for heroes and police can only be escalated so far when it comes to confronting villains. All Might, for example. For decades the Symbol of Peace has cemented himself as an icon of support dedicated to the people for creating a better future. He has the strength that at full capacity can level nearly if not an entire city from a single point of where he stands, yet he doesn't exercise the use of lethal force. Why? Because people believe that when having the strength to kill somebody yet refusing to do so, it makes them an individual worth respecting, worth looking up to. Do you know what I think?"


"I think that All Might, is pathetic.

While he basks in the glory that the public gives him dangers much greater than he lurk beneath the surface of the water, preying on individuals that are unfortunate enough to cross their path, dangers that are unable to be placed behind a set of bars in hopes of 'being set on a better path'. Appropriate threats call for appropriate actions, the need to terminate and dispatch is a need that must always be implemented whenever possible. You may not know it but many years ago, All Might and the same individual he fought at Kamino Ward engaged in a titanic battle that rendered both of them critically wounded and halved from what they once were. To the public the battle was swept under the rug, but All Might despite having won the upper of hand refused to kill the mastermind while he had the chance. Why?

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now