22: It's Her Turn

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"Wake up."

Midoriya snapped his eyes open to find...nothing. There was nothing around him, no color, no sound no plot of land that looked as if it could be traversed upon, there was absolutely nothing around him in this bizarre, void or realm that he currently floated in. Was he even floating? It felt that way, but he couldn't quite tell. Everything felt so out of place.

"Mm-mmm?" He tried to say hello but found his mouth to be obstructed by something, now looking down at his body to find some weird, black formless substance covering around majority of his form. He reached with both hands in an attempt to remove it from his mouth but paused when he found that the substance had stretched completely over his right hand, but not his left. Funny enough, he couldn't feel his right hand like he did his left. With his left he could feel each individual finger move and crunch at his will but with his right there was nothing similar to it. Why was that?

"You're here."

There was a female's voice that reverberated inside this pocket void, but he couldn't quite tell where it was coming from. It sounded as if it came from everywhere, above him below him, even right in front and behind him. But there was nothing to be found. That was until something faint and vague began to take shape in front of his eyes. The world around him was almost entirely black, this odd shape merely several shades lighter hence making it easier for him to pick it out from the background. It was a very dull glow of a manifestation, taking on the very basic and simplistic form of what appeared to be a woman's body. There was no face, no distinctive features like eyebrows or a lower jaw, but he could tell it was a woman's body floating in front of him.

"Can you hear me?" Midoriya nodded, the woman sighing in relief. "Thank goodness, I was worried you wouldn't be able to hear me. Can you see me?"

He nodded again. "I can see you, but you're very faint to me, I can't point out your face or any sort of facial features. I can see your body, but that's it. Is it the same on your end?"

Once more a nod. "Hmm, interesting. Maybe it's because the connection in One For All hasn't grown strong enough for us to clearly see each other. But, if I can see your figure, maybe it's growing stronger than we thought. My name is Nana Shimura, I am the seventh wielder of One For All, before my student and your predecessor Toshinori Yagi, but you know him more as All Might."

The woman's 'ghost' floated closer and attempted to pull down the substance that blockaded Midoriya's mouth, but her form merely phased through his body with no result. "Hmm, you can't talk, that's a bummer. But we are inside your body though so maybe there's an easier way for you to communicate, your bond to One For All has not yet been complete. Maybe this gooey stuff around your body will go away the more efficient you become with it. Maybe try thinking the words?"

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now