47: The Critical Piece

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Today is morning six. Saturday. It is on this morning that Lady Nagant's temporary stay at I-Island has ended, and her plane from the island to Japan will arrive at approximately eleven in the morning. The reunification of the two Nagants will be conducted at four in the afternoon, whereas any and all memories of the two will be united and placed together as one.

For the Nagant on I-Island, the week was absolute bliss. Like a strawberry sitting pretty over a cake's bed of icing, that version of Nagant was witness and victim to everything that was to be loved and looked forward to in a relationship. From nonstop cuddling, to the warm glee of lunch and dinner being made for the significant other, to the even more cuddling, to the riches of sweet delicate touch after years of blood forever coating one's skin, to the even MORE cuddling, it was paradise. Like a candy addict with a sweet tooth Nagant was forever wanting nothing more than to wake up and find a sleeping Midoriya tucked safely away in her arms, in the perfect position for her to easily lean down and kiss her giant snoozing baby. Her precious, little baby.

As for the other Nagant?


"Who is it?"

"It's the pizza guy at seven in the morning you dumb bastard of a Yakuza ingrate idiot who else could it be. OPEN."

There was nothing paradise about this week. Not a thing.


An entrance guard at the Shie Hassaikai compound opened the front gate to reveal an angrily exhausted, eye bag flaunting, glare wearing Lady Nagant standing right outside while she impatiently waited for the gate to open already. The very moment the gate opened wide enough for her body to fit through the hero marched her way inside the exterior gate while bumping into the shoulder of the Yakuza guard, not giving a single care towards the bump nor a glance. "SHEESH, who took a crap in your cereal this morning?"

"You ARE the piece of crap." Nagant annoyingly quipped back. "This morning was my cereal, and you just ruined it. Thanks."

"YAH-HAHAHAHA!" In the front yard of the compound laughed an obnoxiously loud Katsukame, Nagant rolling her eyes with a grimace to his voice. "Hey there pretty bird! So you gonna lemme have a little bit of that sweet energy you got in ya?! Come ooooon, just a teeny bit of it? Promise I'll try not to touch ya too much when doing so HAHA! Don't worry I won't crush ya! I've held plenty of small things!"

"Yes I'm sure you have, small things on your body included?"


"Ahh, the Lovely, Lady Nagant." Just inside the front door frame of the Hassaikai compound, Chronostasis stood in wait for the Commission marksman as he bowed at her presence when approaching the open doorway. "Always a pleasure to see your beauty that graces us every morning. I have lovely news to share with you today, an update on our product."

"Good, cause the Commission's expecting an update by tomorrow so the quicker you got one the quicker I can shut them up." Nagant said. "Better be something worth my time."

"If you'll follow me please." Nagant stuck close behind the high ranking Yakuza as he guided her down the main corridor of the initial estate, the woman stifling back a yawn and attempting to keep her eyes open from the heaviness of her lids. After the yawn she grumbled underneath her breath and growled from how done she was with the day already, wanting nothing more than to be anywhere else but here right now. On their way down the hall there were two bookshelves slid next to each other that Chronostasis stopped in front of, moving a book out of it's place and pressing a secret button to activate the hidden mechanism of a door opening behind the shelves. The two shelves slid out of the way to reveal a staircase descending into darkness, their feet echoing off of cement walls with every step they took down the stairs.

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