25: Iron Sights

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"If you have a second open up. I know you're not asleep in there."

Nagant craned her head away from the tying of her shoe and squinted at at her dorm door, turning back to her shoe and replying. "Enter."


The woman finished tying the laces of her right shoe as the door clicked and creaked open, sitting upright on the edge of her bed to see Bakugo entering the room with hands stuffed into his pocket. The bottom of his left foot tapped the edge of the door to shut it, taking a moment to look around the room with an unamused eyebrow raise. "Bland, for somebody that the media keeps shitting bricks about."

"You expecting a disco ball with lava lamps in here?"

"I wasn't expecting anything, I don't know you enough and I don't want to."

"Unfortunately I know you."

"Is that right?"

"Izuku's told me a little bit about his history, safe to say your name was mentioned quite a few times in that history lesson. Wanna take a guess as to whether it was good or bad?"

Bakugo scoffed. "I could give a damn as to what he told you, it's not me you should be worried about in the first place, but that's not relevant. I didn't realize a prison jumpsuit was the new trend in modern fashion, what kind of person goes out in that?"

"The kind of person whose business you don't stick your nose into." Nagant said. "What do you want, I got somewhere to be."

With his right foot Bakugo pulled the chair out from the desk that was pushed against the wall, rotating it and sitting down with his back against the rest and his hips pushed forward. He sighed through his nostrils, angry red meeting beautiful purple halfway. "You see Deku?"

"I have."


"He's alive, that's all that should matter right?"

"What'd he say?"

"What would a person in a coma say?"

"Hmph." Bakugo chuckled. "Lucky you, otherwise you would have sat there and listened to the drivel shit he always spits at others."

The woman squinted. "And that's supposed to mean what exactly?"

"Deku's always been fucked up in the head, so much so that the bastard would think about the rest of the Earth's population before thinking about himself. He could have a life threatening injury and he'd be more worried about somebody with a paper cut than he would be about himself. So when I heard you two were involved in some attack on I-Island, figured Deku would've talked your ass off wanting to know if you were fine than worrying about himself."

"No, that didn't happen. He was too busy with his beauty sleep than to worry about me. I'm gonna assume you didn't come here to know about his health."

"Well you can assume correctly Nagant because I could care less about these idiots' health. What I'm more interested in hearing is how you plan on making these extras shut their mouths up with all their worrying about him. Ever since the incident on the island they haven't shut up one bit about Deku this Deku that, like you said. Deku's alive, should be the only thing that matters right? So how do you intend on making them shut their mouths with all that worrisome bullcrap."

"Put some earbuds in if you're complaining so much."

"You got a plan?"

"I have my methods, and they never fail. If you're worried about whether or not I'm going to get the bottom of this then like the rest of yours classmates I'll tell you this. One way or another, I'm going to get my answers, and I'm going to get back at those who did this. Whether you care about Izuku or you don't it doesn't matter to me, stay out of my way and watch the adults like a good little boy. Anything else? I don't wanna say you're wasting my time, but you're wasting my time."

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