45: A Week In Paradise

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Lady Nagant's trip to I-Island dedicated to establishing the baseline of her and Izuku Midoriya's relationship will last for a duration of five days. On the sixth morning, she is to return to Japan and reunite with her other self to bank all collected information into a whole being.

Today is day one. Monday.

Midnight's Guide on How To Love for Dummies (Kaina Included)

"Tch." Nagant scoffed as she sat with legs crossed in the middle of the bed with a purple notebook over her shins. Opening the notebook to the very first page the woman cleared her throat and began reading to herself the contents that awaited. "Welcome to Midnight's Guide on how to love your little munchkin for dummies like you. In this guide I'll show you all the neat little tips made by yours truly to make that special spark in your relationship.

Step Number One: Figuring out Midoriya's love language. Before ANYTHING else in the relationship moves forward figuring out what his love language is will be absolutely crucial to maintaining the spark. There are two kinds of love languages that you must attempt first to see if he falls under either of the two. First, go out and buy a variety of items that tailor to his interests."

Nagant crawled over to her left side of the bed and looked down to see a plastic bag full of items that she had bought yesterday and stowed in her luggage case, now lying in wait for the first year to arrive after his training. "Check."

She crawled back to the center and continued reading. "Buy at least four to five items some big some small, and give them to him. Keep a close eye on his reaction to see how he feels about the amount of items given. If he feels completely fine with the items given and you don't feel as if he has nothing to complain about, he may fall under the love language of Gift Giving. However, if he feels like the items might be too high in numbers or if he feels you spent too much on him, he automatically will not fall under this category and you'll move on to category two, Babying. IMPORTANT NOTE: Regularly gifting items to your loved one is recommended regardless.

The second category is Babying. When possible treat Midoriya like you would a giant baby. Give him plenty of kisses, lots of hugs and cuddles, praise him and give compliments to let him know you appreciate him for who he is. IMPORTANT NOTE: DON'T OVERDO IT WITH THE LOVE. It's okay to Baby him but Babying him too much will offput how he feels about it. You want to shower him with love but don't shower him to the point where the pressure becomes too much and he drowns in it. He may love you but he still has boundaries to respect thus it's important-"


Nagant gasped as she heard a faint beeping and the door to the hotel room opening immediately after, quickly reaching behind her and hiding the notebook underneath the pillows before sitting back and posing normally. 'Here goes.'

"Oughhhhhh man." Midoriya groaned as he entered the room with a drenched shirt of sweat clinging to his body, his right arm repeatedly curling in and out with a hand over his bicep. "That's gonna kill tomorrow I can already tell. Hey Kaina."

"Heyyyyy Izuku." Nagant beamed with a pretty smile. "How was your training today?"

"Tiring, and now I wanna lie in bed and take a giant nap for the rest of the day. Rest of the WEEK even."

"You certainly look about two seconds from falling onto your face that's for sure. I ordered food if you're willing to eat."

"Sure just lemme take a shower real quick."

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now