44: Covered In Kisses

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"Oh come on!" Midoriya pleaded, his hands clasped together in begging to the Star and Stripe who stood with her arms crossed and unwavering. The student's hands unclasped and held themselves out behind him to gesture towards the sitting Nagant on the edge of his hospital bed. "She promised that she isn't going to be in the way of my training! And I promise that I'm not gonna drop my Full Cowling when I'm with her it'll be like nothing's changed."

"Except something has changed, and that's the fact that you have incentive to cheese your way out of your recovery." Star replied. "Your girlfriend's here cool yippee throw a party, but our training time is reserved for OUR training time. I can't afford to have you be distracted by your lovey dovey time with Ms. Marksman, I can't stay on the island forever and get you back on your feet. You're staying here, I'm not signing you over into my supervision just so you could stay in a hotel room with her."

"But think about how much time you'd save if Kaina and I got a room in the same hotel that you're staying at! They have a weight room, they have complimentary food service there you wouldn't have to wake up so early in the morning just so you could get here."

"Kid, the hotel's on the other side of the island. It takes me one second to get here."

"Okay well, that's ONE second of your time every morning that you don't have to spend to get here. Seven days a week, that's seven seconds that you'd be saving yourself. SEVEN."

"Wow. I hit the jackpot or something?"

"Star, please. Please please please, please let Kaina and I get a room together at the hotel that you're staying at. If you want to double no TRIPLE the amount of training I have to do just for this to happen then do it, I'll take it."

"HA!" Star guffawed. "Please, you'd drop dead the second I add ten pounds to each set of your daily routine."

Midoriya held strong. "Is that something you wanna challenge?"

"You don't have the balls, SHRIMP."

"*AHEM*. If I could butt in for a moment." Nagant chimed. "If you're so worried that I'd be a distraction to Izuku's training, I can promise you that won't be an issue. Aside from spending time with him whenever I can, I'm also going to be focused on trying to find any clues around here as to who could shine some light on what happened that night. Any concern you might have of me just popping through a doorway and taking his attention away can be thrown out the window. You ask for privacy, I'm not stupid enough to disturb you of it."

"See? Kaina isn't going to be an issue when it comes to focusing on what I'm meant to focus on. If she says she's not going to be a distraction for us then I trust her to not be a distraction for us."

"HOH yeah like that's gonna convince me that this will be a good idea. 'Guy trusts girlfriend to do something' WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT."

"This one week will probably be the only week in a while that we'll have with each other before who knows what goes down. Kaina's currently busy with something that the Commission has her doing, I'm busy trying to bring out the One For All Quirks that the other wielders showed me in my coma, and we're BOTH trying to figure out who was responsible for this attack! If there was ever a time where we would at least have some time, SOME time of knowing what it's like to be in a relationship with each other and what to do in it? Now would be that time. I can't let this opportunity go to waste here."

Star sighed as she was forced to contend with a set of puppy eyes. Her words express disapproval for the idea of shifting Midoriya from the hospital's supervision to her own but on the inside there was conflict and war with her own self about agreeing or disagreeing to it. She wasn't cruel, it's not like she wanted to prohibit him from experiencing the fruits of love but at the same time her purpose on the island wasn't to fuel some relationship she was meant to assist the student in breaching the surface of his Quirk to reach what lie beyond. Distractions were simply not acceptable, not even one.

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