19: Lonely

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"Have you arrived on the island yet?"

"We just got here, at the hangar."

"Excellent, good timing. Make preparations for the big event tonight, and do not mess anything up."

"You worry about having the money right before you even think about us screwing up your little party. You know what you've paid for, now show it."

"You'll get your money if everything goes smoothly, not a second earlier and not a second later. Besides, I think the second portion of the deal is what would help you more if this doesn't go well for you."


"I thought so. Now get to work."



"Hmm..." A voice hummed as they peered through an opening of leaves perched atop of a tall branch, their eyeballs just barely poking through the separation of green around them. The tree was planted right beside a cobblestone path that traveled alongside a vast waterway which separated the main development section of I-Island and the residential section, the water so blue and pretty it shimmered underneath the light of the bright sun. In the distance but slowly approaching the tree was an escort group that the voice had been secretly following around, not out of ill intent but out of curiosity and wonder. They would approach the group head on but were it not for an incident that they heard occurred earlier in the day it would not be wise for them to stir up another scene.

The group strolled closer towards the hidden person in the trees, the leaves rustling the smallest bit when they adjusted to get a better look without exposing themselves. At the forefront of the group were two heroes that they paid only the smallest amount of attention to before the real course of the meal came next only meters after the two at the front. Patiently (while also impatiently) the person waited as two more people approached the front of the tree, caught up in their own conversation to even acknowledge the presence of somebody else in the mix. The first of the two was a young man with green hair, eyes and same color outfit, they seemed to be an individual who would attend a hero academy given by their attire. They were cute but they were not the main focus of the hiding person, rather it was the other half of the duo that grabbed their attention.

"Whoaaaaa." The person awed as Lady Nagant passed by the front of the tree with a rose in her hand raised up to her nose, constantly taking whiffs from the fragrant petals of deep red. The further towards the right she went the further the stalker peered out from the leaves, unknowingly causing the weight to shift towards the weaker end of the branch and making it tip. "There she is, she's so much prettier than I remember. I wonder if she would recognize me now-"


A gasp was all that could be let out before the branch snapped and the person began to fall, leaves and twigs catching in their hair and scraping their face on descent. Their voice cried out in a yell before they slammed butt first onto the grass followed by the rest of their body that flopped down and smacked the ground. "OOF! O-Owwwwwwch, that's gonna sting for a while."

"Holy crap! What the heck?!" The young man's voice exclaimed followed by footsteps that hurried their way towards the fallen person. "Miss! Miss are you okay?!"

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now