V: Puppet

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Hawks opened up a bag of potato chips and threw his head back, a few of the wafers tumbling from the bag into his mouth. His feet were kicked up onto a clear table in front of the couch he sat on along with a cold bottle of water beside his right foot. There were no lights on in the room with the only source of illumination coming from the grey skies through the windows, the familiar pitter-pattering sound of rain tapping against the glass. His right hand balled itself into a fist and went to obscure his mouth before he spoke to the other occupant of the room.

"*crunch crunch*, so. What's the assessment?"

"Currently, Nagant doesn't appear to be showing any signs that indicate she misses the exposure source nor has she mentioned his name at all during his absence." The female doctor from the talking sessions replied. "Either she's aware of what we might be trying to research or she just doesn't seem to care at all, hard to say for certain. As far as the tablet we installed into her cell she expresses great dissatisfaction towards the device and wishes it to be removed from her room. The Warden quotes,

The prisoner has been seen trying to manually remove the tablet from the anchoring system in which it is installed with, even going so far as to slap the screen of the device hoping to break it. We were forced to remove her from her cell momentarily and separate her from the device for a while before she calmed back down, and when returned to her cell didn't seem to exhibit any more aggression towards it. Instead performing her usual set of daily exercises.

If Nagant were to show signs that indicated she misses the source then I would've thought she would hover around the tablet and hope to await some kind of message from him. Much like animals who sit by the door and wait for their owner to return humans can sometimes display these hints by either sticking to a device in which they can communicate with or being protective of an item that reminds them of their missed one. But to hear that she's instead displaying signs of aggression would probably indicate that she doesn't miss the source."

"Pretty weird." Hawks commented before holding up a sheet of paper that displayed text messages. "Earlier today she seemed to be getting along just fine with the tablet and even having a conversation with the kid. Albeit a short conversation but hey at least she was willing to speak with him over the tablet. So why would she be trying to bust it up immediately after?"

"More than likely she's just playing along with what we do, opting to have a conversation with the source just to appease to our gesture. No doubt that the more we try and influence this experiment the more she'll attempt to disrupt it through something like this, displaying one emotion at this moment then completely switching and displaying another emotion at the second moment. I wouldn't be surprised if she displays different emotions at random just to throw off our data."

"Regardless of what she's doing I can tell that she wants, something. Correct me if I'm wrong but whenever she's in a face to face situation with the kid she has this look in her eye that almost gives away the fact that there's something from him that she wants, something that I have a feeling will screw us over in the end. The kid's a good person no doubt about that but something tells me he's a bit weak in the mind and susceptible to manipulation, which worries me because that's probably what she sees in him. Somebody that she can manipulate to her own advantage. Worst case scenario the source becomes completely whipped and listens to her every command like a dog waiting for a treat."

"So then we extend the period of absence between them." The doctor recommended. "If our worry right now is Nagant manipulating the source into her own hands then we should try and remove that factor by increasing the duration of time they can't see each other. The delta of this entire formula is the exposure source and it should be our utmost priority in keeping the delta as a factor that would increase the chances of a net positive result."

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now