24: Terms

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A mayhem of a press mob went down outside the Safety Commission's main building, reporters and paparazzi swarming outside the entrance doors in wait. Cameras, recorders, cell phone and boom microphones were plentiful among the masses as the group waited feverishly for a soon to arrive convoy. The numbers were so high that even traffic had issue in maneuvering through the congested street in concern of accidentally hitting a reporter or two.

The country of Japan was buzzing as word spread through the ears that Lady Nagant has been released from the pits of Tartarus and was now employed with the Commission once more. From what's been told, her decision to reclaim her title as hero was made two days ago, but her release from the prison was an event that happened earlier today. A detour had for some reason been taken to I-Island and an hour ago had landed back on homeland soil, a convoy making it's way from a private airport to the Commission building. The moment word had released about the woman's re-employment reporters and news vultures sprinted to the entrance of the headquarters thinking they would catch their photo and statement of Nagant early and get it over with.

Now, they lie in wait.

The wait would not take long however as several blocks down the street, a black limousine turned onto the street and began cruising down to the tall Commission building. The mob of reporters were agitated and frenzied for the moment they've been waiting as cameras shot up and began taking a montage of pictures even before the limo had arrived. The citizens pushed and nudged each other to try and get the best spot possible as two rows of men in black suits tried their best to keep a hole open that was a straight shot into the entrance of the building. While they did not prefer to use the method, they all had handguns on the inside of their jackets should things become too hectic. But again, they did not prefer that.

The limo slowed down once it reached the front and parked as close as it could to the curb, flashes and reflections of the reporters shining off the dark tinted glass. There were no clear descriptive images from within the limousine but instead two silhouettes sitting at the very back of the cab with one of them having a much larger mass than the other. The tension was tight and strict as the very back door of the cab aligned with the hole made by the security guards. Once it was in line the door opened with Hawks stepping through first and groaning at having his wings be sat on for so long, stretching them out and flapping to release the kinks. The air was held between everyone as the very next moment, Nagant's head poked out from the limousine.

And absolute pandemonium broke out.

Everything turned to solid white as camera flashes were a constant effect and near blinding to the woman, having to shield her eyes with a hand and slightly tilt her head down to the ground. Microphones and cell phones stuck out on each side of her as they desperately tried to get closer and receive even the smallest form of sounds uttered by the woman. The security guards struggled to contain the crowd, some of the reporters managing to get a bump on Nagant in an attempt to turn her in their direction.

"Lady Nagant! Lady Nagant! Could you tell us your thoughts on the incident regarding the attack back on I-Island?!"

"Why is the Safety Commission recruiting people from the most dangerous place on Earth?! How many other criminals do they have on their pay list?!"

"What's your reasoning for coming back to being a hero?! Why were you in Tartarus in the first place?!"

"Alright alright come on guys back it up." Hawks ordered with his wings spread and pushing back the crowd on the right side. "I know I'm good looking but you don't have to freak about me like this. There's plenty of me to go around."

"Yeah in a bucket of fried chicken!"


Nagant ignored the riled-up horde of reporters all the way up to the entrance of the Commission Headquarters, Hawks following close behind her as several more security guards filtered out once they entered. The glass doors slid shut and sealed with the mob trying to push their way in, their ruckus and volume muffled yet still loud even through the barrier of glass. "Looks like somebody still has the charm of attracting crowds."

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now