29: A Lead

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"What were you doing at Marble Docks?"


Hawks looked down at his styrofoam cup that spilled off the table after Lady Nagant slammed her fist onto the surface, the dark beverage of his cola splattering onto the floor and staining his right shoe. Looking from the cup up to the woman with a frown the man inserted a french fry that was held in his left fingers into his mouth and began to chew. "Thanks for spilling my drink."

"I just got intel that you were seen up north at Marble Docks which is the same location that was set up for the client who's responsible for the attack on I-Island." Nagant hissed, several Commission members walking by with questioning glances but dared not to interfere with whatever was going on. In a large break area within the agency headquarters Hawks was seated with a tray of a half-eaten cheeseburger and a side of fries, as well as a drink until moments ago when the woman stomped her way up to the table with fury and intent. "And why were you so conveniently training with a specialized bomb squad in the military before the attack on us?"

"Why do you think? New skills means newer ways to carry out my job, simple as that. The demolitions training was for the purpose of knowing how to defuse a bomb or any sort of explosive if the situation called for it. As for my presence up at Marble Docks I was doing the same thing you're doing right now, looking for any sort of lead in this confusing case we got on our hands. After our boys managed to get their paws on the phone call I went up north to the location to see if I could maybe find some sort of trace that would lead to this party that carried out the service. So, by posing as a shady guy in a shady part of town with a super shady duffel bag by my side, I met with some secret black market contacts that would hopefully have brought me close whoever was involved in the attack.

Sadly though, I got nothing. No traces, no witness saying they saw something or heard something, no police with trusty enough information to go on, nothing. An empty barrel with no bottom could have produced something with more value."


"Lemme guess, you thought I was part of the group that was responsible for the attack on you and Midoriya? Sorry but you'll have to look elsewhere than here to find your culprits. We get it though you're not exactly trustworthy of this organization like you used to be, it's understandable. If it makes you feel any warmer, we don't trust you either."

"Oh boo-hoo I'm crying a river at the thought of not being trusted." Nagant said. "The world's ending."

"You know if you're ever gonna get information from a guy like Bruno? At least ask for the time stamp so you don't waste your own time trying to fish something out of me that isn't there."

"How did you-"

"Before you were thrown in Tartarus, the Commission didn't have any closed circuit cameras in the area of that strip club, but they do now." Hawks explained. "They were set up in that area after the gang violence reached an all-time high and it involved the death of two agents who were caught in something that didn't involve them. A police chatter spike on the radio and a quick flip through the cameras led to us finding you walking into the strip club minutes before the place got shot up. I wiped the data before it went into the open to prevent the footage from getting into the hands of cops, you're welcome for that."


"By the way, now that you're here there's something I need to bring up to your attention. Have a seat."

Nagant slid the chair opposite of Hawks out from underneath the table and took her seat, the latter leaning forwards in his chair with a somewhat hunched position. Taking a look around to see who may have been close the man grabbed the left collar of his jacket and pulled forward to partially obscure his mouth. "I haven't told the president about this so between you and me it would be best to keep this a secret, who knows what exactly she'd do if she were to find out about this. You remember back to the day when you first came back, and you said it sounded like something was buzzing about it in the elevator?"

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now