34: The Report

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Northern Japan. Marble Docks.

A port rich in fishing commerce and transportational traffic via cargo ships, Marble Docks was a series of warehouses filled with cargo containers either ready to be shipped out or ready to begin the unloading process in the morning, what products coming from what parts of the country are unknown and for what might be for the better should remain unknown. The cold water crashed against the rickety wooden docks as barnacles carried from the deep blue splashed and clung onto the splintered pieces of the wood, the occasional crab bumping it's side against the dock and continuing on in it's floating journey. The stars twinkled amidst the youth of the night, the moon casting it's glow on the dark waters below, the same waters that have been witness to several bodies dumped during Japan's high tide of crime and corruption. How many exactly? Not even the waves knew that answer.

The streets were empty, the only sort of traffic being a car that passed every twenty minutes or so and the every so often feline returning from it's fishing trip and heading home. A short gust of wind coming from the nearby ocean brushed across the surface of the street, kicking an empty bottle across the way and towards a dark alley secluded in the shadows of two office buildings. The bottle clattered and knocked onto the concrete of the floor as a cloaked figured peered out of the alley looking to it's left, to it's right, then back to it's left again for any sign of company. There was none, the figure melting back into the shadows of the alley to reunite with three other cloaked figures that stood several feet behind the first. The figure removed it's hood to reveal the short purple and pink hair of Lady Nagant as the three others removed their's to reveal her trio of ducklings.

"I'm not seeing anybody yet, but the contact is set to arrive in a few minutes so let's keep our wits about at all times." Nagant said. "Remember what we went over earlier on the train ride here, I do all the talking, none of you speak unless spoken to, do everything that I tell you to do. Don't take off your mask even if you're threatened or ordered to do so, and ALWAYS, be prepared for the event that something goes down. These are Yakuza, they've always been known to be slimy little bastards who'll pull something funny if something doesn't go their way. Expect them to be armed and dangerous too, Hell would turn cold if they didn't walk around with some form of a weapon on them.

If everything goes smoothly this will all be over quickly, and we'll be back on that train before we know it. Just be calm, nothing's gonna happen to you if you don't let it happen."

"Tch yeah, e-easy for you to say." Kendo replied through a smile, the bead of sweat racing down the left of her face betraying how she really felt about the situation she's gotten herself into. "I've got all kinds of butterflies in my stomach and I ain't talking romance. Yaoyorozu have I thrown up yet? I can't remember. Maybe I should throw up right now that should help get this out of my system."

"You're all nervous, and I expect you to be. It's okay if you feel like your fingers are gonna twitch off of your hand it happens to everybody on their first time, myself included. It's the threat of danger and the risk of something bad happening that gets to the nerves it's like a destructive virus that eats away at your confidence. But I'm not gonna let anything happen to you three I promise, you're all my responsibility to look after and looking after you is exactly what I'm going to do tonight. You have my word."


The sound of a slow engine passing by caught Nagant's attention as she quickly turned and hustled towards the edge to peer out into the street once more. Driving away and down the right side of the street was a single black sedan in complete black out, casually coming to a halt beside a fire hydrant several blocks down from where the heroes were hiding. At first nobody exited from the vehicle until moments later when the rear passenger side door opened and an individual with a white raincoat stepped out with a plague mask obscuring their identity, a hand poking out from within the give the individual a steel briefcase. "That must be them."

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now