VI: Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

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"Midoriya." Midnight called from her desk as the students were starting to funnel out from the classroom due to the last bell ringing. The green haired first year looked up from his desk to see the R-Rated Hero bending her left index finger inwards as a gesture to approach her. "Come here handsome."

He nodded and exchanged a few words with the duo of Uraraka and Iida who were waiting for him beside his desk, the latter two now waving their goodbyes and making for the exit. Once everybody had left from the class Midoriya stood up from his seat and approached the teacher's desk where Midnight looped her finger around the side for him to follow. He did so and stood in front of her as she crossed one leg over the other. "Sensei?"

"Sooo, tell me." Midnight started. "How's it been talking to Kaina?"

"It's been really good so far, at least in my opinion. She hasn't opened up that much in terms of that personal life but I'm hoping- ....wait a minute. Kaina?"

"Kaina Tsutsumi, yes."

"Nonono wait, why are you addressing her by her first name?"

"Oh you didn't know? She and I used to be best friends before she was thrown in Tartarus."

"No way really?!" Midoriya chimed. "May I ask you a few questions please?"

"Mmm, okay." Midnight agreed, raising a finger up to his nose and tapping on it. "BUT, on one teeny-"





"Uh, o-okay what is it?"

"Can you smile for me?"


"Mm-hmm." Midnight beamed. "Nice little smile for me, pretty please?"

"Okay I guess." Midoriya cleared his throat first with quick breath in and out, forming a tiny smile onto his face at her request. His smile remained plastered for several moments before it started to fall as Midnight's composure changed from professional and sweet to something dark and sinister, a quick swipe of her lips with her tongue was like a predator eyeing it's food. On top of that a weird sense of overwhelming pressure just seemed to emanate from the teacher and cause him to swallow down the knot in his throat. "U-Uhhhh..."

"~Mmmm, how delicious~."

'What the heck.'

"*AHEM*. So, moving on, let's talk about my best friend yes? Or, former, best friend. We don't keep in touch anymore ever since her arrest."

"Right, um I just want to know what kind of person she's like in your eyes."

"Kaina's a very sweet individual." Midnight recalled. "Kind, thoughtful, takes other people's feelings into account before her own. She's the kind of person you could rely upon whenever all Hell hit the fan. The first time I met her was after a rampaging villain destroyed almost half a city's worth of buildings and in the aftermath she and I were in the back of the same ambulance having our injuries tended, nothing major really the casual scrapes and bruises that come with being a hero. Given her personality it wasn't hard to make small talk and from there it just took off into a really nice friendship, though, as close as we were on a friendly level I knew that there were some things she tried to hide no matter how close we got."

"How so?"

"I can't tell you everything since I myself am not a part of the organization but know this Midoriya. The Safety Commission and it's members hold a level of secrecy that not even their own family members are aware about, something that sorta restricts their freedom to express their emotions. And it's not easy either, the amount of work done by a single Commission member is enough to drive people crazy and I for one do not plan on going crazy anytime soon. Kaina's only given me a brief description of what they do and the fact that she hasn't gone crazy herself just blows my mind. Obviously there are some secret little tasks they do in which they can't tell us but even still it's really wild.

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