42: The Project

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Remember, your objective is to secure a tie between you and the members of the Hassaikai over time so that they may reveal the plans of the Yakuza organization. We need to know lieutenants, we need to know who's funding them, we need to know the means of how they intend to deliver their product, and we need to discover where their source of it is so that we may dismantle their hold on it and prevent any more of these substances from hitting the market. Any intel they request when it comes to hero society, give it to them. The sooner you can establish a connection with the Hassaikai the sooner we can mobilize our forces to capture or kill. The very safety of this fragile society hangs from the tip of your rifle's barrel Agent, do not allow it to fall.

Be swift. Be cunning. And above all, do your absolute worst.


Nagant pushed a doorbell outside the main gate of an estate to signal her presence inside, pulling her hand back and stuffing it inside the front pocket of the purple hoodie she wore. Hanging from her left hand was a gleaming silver briefcase containing the exchange between the Hassaikai and the Safety Commission as she took a moment to look around and observe her surroundings. The streets were empty, which was odd considering the estate was in the middle of a reasonably populated suburbs area, she expected there to be children walking along or a car or two driving by and down the road. But there was none, and it raised concerns for it. Did they know? Were they aware of who this place belonged to?

What with this weird aura she was experiencing just by standing outside the main gate she had a feeling they did. There was a strange coldness to the place, almost dark and foreboding. For some reason Nagant kept feeling as if she was being watched from both sides, perhaps she was, or worse perhaps she wasn't. There's a sort of evil that lies beyond this gate that she faces, the cold static over her skin was a clear sign of that. It's been a while since she's been planted as a snake within a hostile organization, and normally while this would be of no concern to her in the past now it is. Because now she has a reason to come back home safely, secure and sound.


'Izuku.' She thought as the gate began to slide open from the other side. 'Let's both do our best to live.'

"Huh?" A man rudely greeted after sliding the gate just enough for his entire face to be revealed. "Who the hell are you?"

"Messenger." Nagant replied. "I'm here to speak with your boss on behalf of a friendly little organization doing little friendly little things, we have an exchange that needs to be carried through."

"Pfft, yeah like I'm gonna just let you walk right the fuck in with a greeting like that. Got a name pretty lady?"

"One that's none of your business if you don't mind. Your boss?"

"He's a little busy right now ain't got time to speak to some random woman showing up at our doorstep. I need to see some kinda special permission from you to let you in."


They're not stones, they're letters. Each number represents a letter in the alphabet with 26 letters.

"If you ain't got no special permission to see the boss then you can go screw off-"

"Eri." Nagant interrupted. "That's my special permission for you, Eri."

The Yakuza man stared at Nagant for several moments before he slid the gate shut, a squeak from a radio being heard followed by the man's voice quietly speaking into the device. In silence the woman was left to stare with the gate by herself until quiet conversation could be heard from the other side, but she was unable to make out what exactly was being said. There was another man, this one sounding muffled as if there was something over his mouth like a mask of some sort. From the tone that she could barely hear he didn't sound pleased-

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now