50: Off The Lawn

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Ever so quietly and slowly, a front door of the 1-A dorm was creaked open where the ambience of the night disturbed the silence within. With just enough space for a head to slip through, a head of purple and pink did so with a squint to scan the entrance and lounging areas, a watchful eye for even the most minute of movements made in the dark. "Hmm..."

Single, double and triple checked just to be sure Nagant carefully nudged the door open with her body as she stepped through and to the side, Yaoyorozu close on her tail with easy tip toes. After the first year was inside the woman carefully shut the door, twisting the handle so she may prevent the latch from emitting a loud clicking sound. Door back in place without a sound or peep she adjusted the large mass of a blanket she carried in front of her body before approaching Yaoyorozu and whispering quietly.

"Alright back to the room now nice and quiet." Nagant ordered. "No elevators take the stairs, and if anybody catches you out in the hall you better have a reason for why you're not asleep."

"Not to worry, I'll make my return without a sound." Yaoyorozu assured. "And Eri? What will you do with her in the morning?"

"I don't know yet, I have an idea but it's a lot of risk I'll need to sleep on it. Not a mention of this to anybody for any reason not even the others unless it's somewhere private, go."

Slipping her feet out from the boots and picking them up with her right hand Yaoyorozu silently bounded towards the staircase next to the elevator as Nagant hovered into the kitchen area with a watchful eye of her surroundings. Approaching the corner where the kitchen sink and counter met she looked around for any sign of movement before slowly, dropping to her right knee and placing the bunched mass of a blanket onto the floor. "Don't move for me, I'm just going to grab something really quick."

As requested, the blanket didn't move, Nagant rising to her feet and taking to the dorm refrigerator. Carefully open the fridge door she peered inside and grabbed three items, a bottle of water with accompanying juice box, and a single serving of chocolate pudding before closing the fridge. Stepping over to her right she opened the pantry and found an assortment of frosted animal crackers in small pouches looking at her, taking two pouches for herself and shutting the pantry. Nagant tip toed her way back to the blanket mass on the floor where she pulled back a drawer next to the kitchen sink to reveal eating utensils, picking out a spoon and shutting the drawer before kneeling down in front of the blanket.

"Eri, can you do me a favor please?" She asked as she handed the items underneath an opening of the blanket. "Can you hold all of these for me so I can get us back to the room? It's not much farther just a little more."

Holding the items underneath the blanket Nagant waited until she felt a small pair of hands take each item one by one into the possession of a child's care. Once the last of the items left the woman's hands she snaked them back out from the blanket and picked the large mass up onto her chest, securing the folds to completely obscure what was underneath. Just like Yaoyorozu the woman made straight for the stairs next to the elevator with hurried yet cautious steps, the boots on her feet heavy and requiring careful movement. She doubted anybody would be awake at the late time that it was but even still after such a heavy risk operation, she couldn't take anything easy just quite yet.


"Almost there." Nagant whispered as she used her back to push open the door leading to the stairs, pausing to manually shut the latch before continuing up the flight. "Almost there, just a little bit more and we're home free."

Though home free, was something even she wondered about. With the release of Eri from the grasp of the Yakuza stronghold, what now? Where will she go? Who was going to bear the responsibility of looking after a little girl? She has an idea, however it was just as she had told Yaoyorozu moments before, there was plenty of risk to go with this idea of hers. Not to mention the possibility of the child being rejected altogether. Was it a good idea to rescue the little girl so abruptly? Her heart screamed yes but without preparations in successfully transferring the girl over to the safety of a proper caretaker, it seemed to brew up troubles about her situation.

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now