X: Conditions

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"Alright kid listen up, I managed to put together what we need in order to make this work along with a few other neat things I found in her old files." Hawks stated after laying a manila folder out on the booth table in front of Midoriya. Currently it was lunch time at U.A but due to Hawks wanting to speak with the first year in person to begin formulating their plan, he pulled him out temporarily so that the two may have lunch together while talking. A dine-in not too far from the school's location was perfect for the subject at hand. "These, will be the building blocks of what we need in order to pull this off."

Hawks slid the thick folder onto Midoriya's side, the latter placing aside a strawberry milkshake to focus on the material in front of him. At the top of the folder it read Nagant: 656698. "All of this is what we need?"

"Not all of it, a good two papers or so is what the Warden requested for us to cook up. Everything else is stuff I was able to pull from her old work files back at the Commission. Or at least, stuff that I'm able to show you, there's a lot of other stuff that's classified but that's above your pay grade. Go ahead and open it."

It was done so and the first thing to be shown inside of the folder was Tartarus' prison file on Lady Nagant, a mugshot of the woman paper clipped to the upper right corner of the file. Detailed on the paper was her basic information such as date and location of birth, blood type, height weight anything that related to her biological info. Midoriya removed the paper off of the top but immediately after he placed it aside, he took it right back and closely inspected both front and back hoping he would find the official reason/cause for her incarceration. No dice. He clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth in disappointment, this time leaving the sheet to his left for good.

Underneath that file was a pair of two sheets stapled together on the top left containing a multitude of bulleted paragraphs and sub-paragraphs, a bold and underlined title at the center top. "Project Recovery: Sub Project I-Island. So this entire operation of yours is called Project Recovery?"

"Mm-hmm." Hawks hummed, mouth too busy in trying to suck a chocolate milkshake through a straw. "When I was first told about the name of this project I thought you were unable to stand underneath the same umbrella as I did, but turns out there are some stuff you're allowed to know. Restricted but, hey, better than nothing. Now I'm going to warn you on this, the Warden is VERY strict about this project we want to pull off. And for good reason too since if something happens on the outside with one of his prisoners? The government's all over him like lions on a feast and trust me when I say these lions are not afraid to show their claws. We mess up, he gets hit for it, so we cannot mess this up.

There are four big conditions that we are required to cover first before the Warden can decide on whether we have his permission to take Nagant or not. If we're unable to fulfill these conditions before the trip to I-Island goes down then she'll have to stay in that cell. Theoretically speaking we can take her to I-Island any time of the year but since there's an Expo coming up I think it'd be best to give her something to take part in. Hopefully."

"*AHEM*. I, Chief Warden of Tartarus Sento Takahashi, have compiled a list of conditions required to be fulfilled before Commission Agent Hawks has permission to gain temporary custody over prisoner 656698, Kaina Tsutsumi. Each condition contains a detailed informatory stating what will be required for the condition to be fulfilled and there will be no alternative methods. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in denial of temporary custody for the prisoner.

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now