12: Symptoms

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"Ow! You cheated!"

"I did not you're just too slow, I'd think a slug is faster than you. Again."

"Rock paper scissors SHOOT-"
"Rock paper scissors SHOOT-"



"Hm-hm, slowpoke."


"Well, they certainly seem to enjoy activities together no doubt." Principal Nezu commented to a projection of recorded footage. Gathered around the large table in the faculty meetings office were Aizawa and Snipe on one side with Midnight and Ectoplasm on the other, the principal himself waddling over the surface. A small disk was placed onto the table that currently projected footage that had been taken from the camera system of Tartarus' Bird Cage, images of Lady Nagant playing rock/paper/scissors with Midoriya on display for the heroes to see. There was a little under an hour before first classes would begin for the day.

"Seems a game of rock/paper/scissors is enough for Midoriya to entertain the prisoner."

"This footage doesn't exactly prove anything for us." Aizawa commented. "Given the amount of time that Midoriya has been spending at Tartarus on behalf of the Commission it's only obvious by now that he would've have formed some type of connection. She plays games with him cool so what, any prisoner would play to the role if it meant getting whatever it is that they wanted."

"No no, I think it's best if we do see this kind of footage, so we can have an understanding of how comfortable they are with each other in an open setting." Midnight stated. "Stuff like this should always be looked over multiple times just to see if there are any subtle hints or signs that may have been missed over the initial viewing. This first time it's obvious that Kaina seems to be comfortable enough in playing games and sitting closely to Midoriya but who knows what you can catch on the second time around."

"Midnight's right, if Midoriya is able to keep the prisoner busy with a simple game then in a place such as I-Island where activities are boundless then that makes his job a lot easier." Ectoplasm added. "While there is importance in knowing how he can contain the prisoner in the event something goes down I think it's also important to see how the two interact on a base level. It's incredible in my opinion to see how Midoriya is able to interact so freely with a prisoner of Tartarus. Take away the jumpsuit and the environment around them, they seem like good friends."

Snipe hummed, tapping the eraser of a pencil on the table as he slowly swiveled back and forth in his chair. Eventually Aizawa caught on to the fact that there was something his colleague wanted to comment on the situation. "Something on your mind?"

"Nah, just thinking over what's bein' seen is all." The cowboy answered. "Weird. As I'm lookin' at this here footage, I'm gettin' a strange sense of nostalgia coming from the Lady. Kinda, reminds me of how she was back at that shooting tournament we did a long time ago. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing though. She might be turning back to her old ways but, something about those old ways ain't exactly sittin' pretty with me."

"I believe it is best if we take this footage as somewhere around the middle ground." Nezu said, pacing to and fro starting from one end of the table to the other and back. "It's good that Midoriya's interactions with Nagant are able to bring about this playfulness in her, I think everybody could agree that it's a welcome sight to see a smile on a prisoner of one of the most strict systems in the world. However, it's as Midnight said, we should carefully review the footage and pick apart any signs that may have been missed the first time around. No doubt Nagant as a former Commission member would know how to accurately hide her emotions so if Midoriya is unable to catch something it's up to you four to be on the lookout.

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