37: Connected In Every Way

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"I know majority of you know the story by now, but for the sake of having Kaina join in and keep up with the conversation I'm going to repeat it. Thinking about it, I pretty much have to so that I can point out some things that may have gone over everybody's heads when they heard it the first time.

One For All is a Quirk that started many generations ago when the era of Quirks first began with the new age of society. Combining the Quirks of an older power hungry brother that allowed the user to stockpile power with his younger sick brother that had a Quirk to pass down his Quirk onto others, One For All was born. That on it's own was extraordinary to hear but I want to place emphasis on the Quirk that allows the user to stockpile power. It isn't just, power. It's more than that, it's the ability to stockpile one's very heart, essence and soul into the Quirk itself and pass it down to somebody who would be deemed worthy enough to wield the strength of the previous user. From the very beginning One For All was already a force to be reckoned with, the very idea of it's existence more than enough to put it on the map.

After the first wielder of One For All came the second, and after the second came the third and so on and so forth. With every wielder their strength is added to the Quirk, multiplying the power to be much stronger than the one who used it before them. The current wielder's speed and strength far outweighed their predecessor and it continued this way for eight generations of those righteous enough to have this Quirk in their possession. With All Might being the eighth holder of One For All that means I'm the ninth holder of it, and I have this feeling that I might be the last one to ever hold this power. With the way things have changed and how much this Quirk has evolved over the years, the amount of power that lies within this stockpile of hearts and strength might be too much for somebody else to withstand. I know that sounds confusing but I'll get to it in a second.

Taking a step back, the one who's been haunting every generation of wielder since the very beginning of One For All's existence. All For One. An influential tyrant whose name stretches to every corner of the underworld, he's relentless in his drive to take back what he thinks to be his power. Many years ago All Might fought and seemingly defeated All For One in a battle that left them both critically wounded, and it wasn't until their most recent battle that both of them were removed from their mantles. I'm not a violent person by any means but All For One still lives, he might be in prison but regardless he's still alive, and that's enough of a reason to still be concerned about him. Again I'm not violent I don't wish for death upon anybody but, I'd be a lot more comfortable if he had croaked by now because of what I'm about to tell you all in a little bit.

This next part is going to sound crazy I know, but I'm not lying about any of it. When I was in my coma, I was awake. But I wasn't AWAKE awake rather, I was awake somewhere else it was like this weird, kind of empty void place where there was nothing around and I was just sort of drifting along. It's like space, sorta, just without the stars and planets-Y-You guys get what I mean. That void was One For All, I was inside of One For All the very Quirk that All Might gave me. And inside that Quirk, they reached out to me. The past users of One For All reached out to me while I was in my coma. And I spoke with them."

"Impossible." All Might gasped. "That's absurd! The past users of One For All reaching out to you and ACTUALLY interacting with you how would that even work?"

"Shimura mentioned something like that a while before she had met you Toshinori." Gran Torino commented. "She said she had a dream, some kind of hand reaching for her from a weird void. She didn't know who the hand belonged to but she said it felt welcoming, familiar almost. Like it was calling to her."

"The idea sounds impossible but let's not forget what Midoriya just mentioned to us only moments earlier." Principal Nezu added. "The ability to stockpile one's heart, essence and soul into the Quirk itself. The idea of the past users' vestiges roaming within Midoriya may not be so fictional by now. The strength of One For All has reached tremendous heights since it's birth it makes the impossible seem possible."

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