26: What Matters Most

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"Pssst, hey."







HUH?! WH-Wha?! Huh?!' Midoriya panicked as he was suddenly awoken by a man's voice yelling at him from the blue, his body shaking and turning within the strange realm that was the void. 'Wh-Who's there?!'

"Right here numbnuts!"

The student turned to his left and squinted at the sight of a fuzzy, very faint and barely noticeable sight of a floating mouth in front of him. There were no eyes, no cheeks no face or a body at all for the mouth to be connected to. It was simply that. 'Is that a, mouth?'

"A MOUTH?! Awwww, crap! Looks like One For All ain't so connected like I thought it would have been by now. Maybe not for you at least. Don't worry! As long as you can hear me, I'm sure we'll get along juuuust fine. I'm the fifth user of One For All buddy!"

'The fifth? Wait, what happened to Nana?'

"She's still here don't worry, we're all here, you just can't see us since you're not connected all the way with OFA. But from the looks of it, seems the further you go up the lineage the less of a connection we could make. With Nana you were able to see the outline of her body and she's the seventh user. With me, looks like you could only see my mouth, weird considering what's happened between you and I. By the way, you weren't fake sleeping on me were you? When I tried waking you up several times?"

'No?' Midoriya answered with a slight tilt of his head. 'Why would I fake being asleep?'

"Hrmmm, kinda hoping you were." The mouth grumbled. "That's not good buddy, the fact that it took a little bit to wake you up tells us you're definitely in the limbo area between life and death. You're in a coma yeah, but I'm talking to the very part of your soul here, and if that wasn't waking up? I'd be a little worried."

'Am I not healing?'

"Ehhh, it's like a seesaw kid, high hopes and low ones when it comes to you. That bomb tore you up real good, whoever put it there definitely had intentions of offing somebody that night. Hey listen! Nana wasn't able to hold herself for that long so I doubt I could too, I need you to listen very carefully. Right now it's just a theory okay? None of us have ever been in a coma like this before so we don't know if this will work, but we have to try. Your progress with One For All skyrocketed during a short period when you started reading that little book Lady Nagant made, you remember the book right?"


"You remember the weird black stuff that came out of your arm during the training simulation at school?"


"Your acceleration with One For All caused your skill to shoot up a lot! All thanks to that book you were reading, but One For All isn't something that could be utilized solely on logic and intelligence. It draws on your emotions too. When you were getting busted up by your classmate because you kept thinking you didn't have the skills to pay the bills, you got angry and riled up, you were thinking about containing and restricting him to get the job done. Well, that's what my Quirk is best suited for! You momentarily tapped into the preserves of Blackwhip buddy, you used my Quirk!"

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now