49: Operation: Unicorn Child

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(Several Hours Earlier)

Hitoshi Shinso
Support Studio one hour after final bell
Don't forget

Rereading the mysterious note in his hand for the fifth time today Shinso crumpled the note into a paper ball before stuffing it into the right pocket of his uniform pants, trudging down the hall in the direction of the Support Studio. No name, no indication of who was responsible for leaving the note on his desk either, so he wondered what this could be about. Was it secretive? No, the note was left on his desk facing upwards for the whole world to see, so it couldn't be any sort of secret. His mind was calling back to something he thinks he has a hunch about, but why now? Why later?


Coming up to the Support Studio on the left hand side of the hall Shinso looked behind him after having a strange feeling that he was being watched from somebody, but there was no one there. It was either a feeling of being watched or an odd feeling about what he may come upon once entering the Studio, for there was a strange heaviness in the air that he couldn't seem to escape from. It started several corridors ago and has followed him down ever since, like a foreboding essence of what is to come. Perhaps that, or perhaps the lack of sleep from last night was finally getting to his senses. He hoped it was the latter of the two.

All the way up to the large door of the Studio Shinso kept his wits about as he raised his right fist and, with the underside of it, banged three times against the surface. "Hitoshi Shinso. I received a note on my desk instructing me to be here at this time."


The student squinted at the familiar voice coming from within, a woman's. It wasn't Hatsume's due to the pitch being too deep, but he thinks he recognizes it. Sliding the Studio door open Shinso stepped through and paused immediately when his eyes fell onto the center of the room, seeing an all too familiar group already present and waiting for the last piece. "What, the..."

"Shinso." Nagant greeted at the head of two work benches pushed together in the center of the room, with two students each to the left and right of her. On her left were the colors of black and pink, her right having both orange, and yellow. "Glad you could make it. Make sure the door's shut all the way."

With a confused squint on his face Shinso kept his focus on the group while reaching behind him and sliding the Studio door completely shut, then making his way over with slow and cautious steps. He looked from student to student, each looking back to him from the gold crosshairs to a lurking anger, finally looking back to Nagant who was now directly across from him. "This is supposed to be disbanded from what I was told."

Nagant shrugged. "Yeah, supposed to be, but things change. Circumstances shift priorities are listed, and before I know it I'm in search for a little team I could use. What's any matter?"

"Does Midoriya know?"

"Do you want him to?"

"Sounds like you're going against something he doesn't want."

"And you care enough about him to worry about that?"


"I thought so. Yes, it's true that us gathering like this is something Izuku doesn't want anymore, but unless he knows about this there's nothing to worry about. And should he know about this don't worry, I'll take the full brunt of the blame for it. This is my idea, not any of yours'."

"Is pretty nice though to have our little group back together like this." Kendo commented. "Didn't really get the chance to do our thing before we got the ban hammer. I see some of us are uh, visibly busier than others."

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