11: Test

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When I'm putting my team together for this, how much information am I able to give?

I'm giving you permission to disclose information that you feel like will be needed, meaning if you feel like you want to tell them that you've been visiting Tartarus on the behalf of the Commission for a project then go ahead. However, what you're not allowed to disclose is the name of this project, any operations that she may have participated in and the end goal of this entire thing but not even you are aware about that so I wouldn't worry. Whatever you feel like will cement your people to get along with this is up to you for discussion. Don't screw this up.


"Lady Nagant." Midoriya started. "If you'll please listen to what I have to say, I'll explain as much as I am able to explain. I'm sure you are all already aware that I use a tablet to keep in connection with her but I'd like to start at the beginning just so it's easier for me to connect the dots little by little.

Lady Nagant currently, is a prisoner of Tartarus who has been incarcerated for some time now. The reason for her incarceration is unknown to the general public but that's not important right now. For a few weeks now on the behalf of the Safety Commission I have been visiting her to engage in these 'therapy sessions' I guess you could say, though the reason for her therapy hasn't been said to me yet. I'm assuming it has to do with why she was imprisoned but that's to be discussed at a later time. Aside from seeing her in prison I've also been speaking to her through the means of a tablet that you have given me permission to use during class when I finished my assignments for the period.

I-Island is having an open expo soon and there have been plans to gain temporary custody of her so that she may have some exposure to the outside world again. I don't know what the plan of the Commission is but I don't pay attention to it, because I have my own plan. Since I've initially started talking to her I've come to learn that Lady Nagant is an incredible, intelligent, amazing woman that has a lot to offer in terms of knowledge and experience. I don't want to make her happy for the sake of learning everything she knows, I want to make her happy because that is what I aim to strive for as a hero. To make others happy and smile like All Might did. I can't tell you everything that has gone down because then we'd be sitting here for nearly the entire school day so if I remember to do so I'll tell you all some other time if you'd like.

But back to I-Island, myself and the Commission would like to gain temporary custody of her so that we can take her to the island to take part in the open expo. Originally they wanted to issue a high level security detail to act as her personal escort since she is considered to be dangerous. I don't know how far down the rabbit hole her skill set is able to reach but given that she's a former hero who has tremendous proficiency as a marksman, it's vast, more so than what she's shown me so far. However I argued the statement that for once it might be a good idea to give her liberty, some freedom away from the iron grip that is the Tartarus system and instead surround her with people that I think she might be more comfortable with. So, they told me that if I can form a team that I think will be suitable for the job they'll consider it."

Midoriya gulped, preparing himself for the possibility that some of his numbers might reduce the moment he finishes this next statement. "Senseis, I-I understand that what I'm about to ask of you next might be something you're unable to follow through on or even uninterested to do, and that's okay with me. It's completely fair for you to think me bringing you guys here is weird and out of the blue but please, I believe that with the four of you we can make this work instead of the alternative option. For each of you I have reasons as to why I chose you, so it's not like I drew random straws and your names happened to be on those straws. I am asking that you four join me to take part in Lady Nagant's security detail that will escort her around I-Island for the duration of the expo."

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now