31: Spy Kids

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"Hey, Kaina...."

"Wake up Kaina...."

"It's me....I'm here..."

"I'm here now Kaina."

Responding to the familiar voice that faintly called to her Tsutsumi opened her eyes and quickly sat upright in the bed of her dorm, only to find out she wasn't in her dorm at all. No longer at U.A the woman found herself to be in a cabin-like home with wooden floors, ceiling and walls, a large window with the curtains drawn back to reveal the sunlight of an early morning. Looking out of the said window to her right she was met with the sight of tall somewhat barren pine trees with a partial view of a beautiful lake in the background, snow-covered tips of mountains barely poking over the tops of the trees way off in the distance. Coming to a rest on the outside of the window sill were two beautiful yellow colored birds that perched for only mere moments until they took flight and departed from the window's view, Tsutsumi squinting at the birds for as long as she could before looking down at her covers.

'What in the world is going on here?' She thought, tossing a soft white blanket off her legs and throwing them over the edge of the bed. 'Where am I exactly?'

The woman hopped off of her bed and immediately paused when her feet came into touch with the cold wooden floor, a pair of comfortable purple slippers nearby making do for the time being. Shuffling over to the window Tsutsumi peered out of the glass to find herself in a place she did not recognize at all, somewhere out in the woods and away from the hectic chaos of modern society. The house she currently stood in sat at the top of a somewhat large hill, overlooking the beauty of nature that surrounded it with not another building in sight. The faint sound of a bugle call snagged her attention from the right as she turned to see a beautiful large buck walking amidst the curtains of the tree trunks, it's fur a smooth walnut color that appeared suave to any touch.

'This place, I've never seen it before nor do I have any idea as to where I might be. Yet it seems so...familiar.'

Lovely Lady Nagant (IzukuxLadyNagant)Where stories live. Discover now