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I sat in my chair after entering my studio. After dropping off Zaina, I only had about 15 minutes to get here. So I checked in with the guys and managers and headed to RKive to work on some future tracks.

Being the leader and lead rapper, as the one that everyone turns to when they need help writing or producing a song, my thoughts were always going. I have many responsibilities in my position, and I'm sure that this is what Jaehyun was talking about. But thinking about her made me forget about all that I had waiting for me in my studio.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job. I couldn't ask for a better job than to produce and perform for our loving and devoted fan base that will always be there for us. Making them happy with my music is what truly keeps me going. But everything gets stressful if you do it enough. It's like if you loved playing video games, eventually it would get a little tedious and would start to stress you out. I don't know, I just know that there isn't a moment when we're not stressed during comeback season. And while this isn't exactly a comeback since we've never really left, this is our first time releasing a song of the sort, it was new and out of our comfort zones. Except for Jin hyung, who breathes ballads and Tae, who lives for the opera.

It kind of reminded me of BST, just a little though. Maybe it was just the outfits, and the hair styles. Or maybe it was that Wings era was the last time we had a bit more of a purposely seductive dance. Although I could be wrong, I've seen so many song titles, heard so many tracks, learned so many dances, it all just blends together these days. There are a few notable favorites from our past that I stay up late at night wishing that we could have performed them differently, or performed them at all.

I let out a sigh, pulling my hat off to rub my face tiredly. I have to stay awake, I have too much to do. I got up from my chair, trying to recharge my battery as I walked to the coffee machine in the waiting room.

"Oh hyung, did you go live yet?" Jimin walked up to me. I shook my head, rubbing my eyes as I chose my coffee settings. "Well, did you want anything from the store? Tae and I are gonna grab some snacks and then work on vocal exercises."

"I'm ok, thanks Jimin." I yawned and Jimin walked away.

"You're tired too?" Jin stretched his arm as he walked over. "It only gets bad like this when we wake up at 6am. But we only have so much time between now and the release date. And then from the release date to tour announcements."

"We all have terrible sleep schedules on the days we don't wake up this early, be honest." I chuckled and leaned with my back on the counter.

"Were you working on tracks?" He rubbed one of his eyes with his sleeve. I nodded. "Don't listen to anything Yoongi sent you in the last 10 minutes." He laughed.

"Why? Did he forget to turn the mic off again? Am I gonna hear another recording of him moaning over how delicious his ramen is?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No. I was recording some ablibs with his instruction and I kept yawning and he kept cursing at me. But that didn't stop me from yawning. So he told me in the politest way possible to get the fuck out and get coffee." He nodded with straight lips. I hummed, handing him the first cup of coffee, quickly putting another paper cup under the machine.

"Yeah, I'm struggling to concentrate. I thought it was best to get some coffee too."

"Are you sure that that's from lack of sleep?" He laughed before drinking from the cup. I rolled my eyes. "And not from your thoughts of Zaina?"

"Damnit, hyung... I'm trying to focus on work, don't mention her..." I threw my arms around.

"She distracts you so easily, just from saying her name alone. Imagine if she actually sat in the studio with you." He snickered, crossing one arm over his body while his other one held the cup.

"She doesn't distract me, okay?" The coffee machine finally stopped and I grabbed the cup, but I felt like I was getting enough energy from debating Jin already. "I just have to be really focused when I write lyrics. Thinking of her makes me lose focus, as well as lack of sleep, obviously." I defended myself.

"My point still stands." He shrugged.

"I don't have to take this. I'll go live later." I walked past him and back to my studio, closing the door behind me and plopping into my chair. Come on, Namjoon. Get it together.


"Hi everyone!" I waved to the camera after going live. I tried to read the comments as they were coming in, occasionally taking sips of my coffee. "I'm just in my studio, working on music." I smiled.


"Speak English!"

"Namjoon u look fine as hell"

"Hi Joonie!"

"Who's sleep? Idk her"

I chuckled at the comments as Army flooded in.

"Hello Army. I know it's late but I've been wanting to check in on you guys." I mumbled and sat back in my chair. I made sure my hat was on securely and tucked stray stands in more.

"Oppa! Did you eat!"

"Yes, I ate a lot today so don't worry." I nodded with a small hum.

"Hi from Texas!"

"Hi Texas!" I waved happily.

"Oppa, are you dating??" I mumbled that out, trying not to cause attention as I read it accidentally. I read the next few comments in my head.

"Don't stalk his personal life!"

"That's not our business!"

"Guys, don't ask about the girl!!"

I chuckled to myself as multiple Armys defended my privacy. Of course, many more were questioning me about her. Asking if she was my girlfriend, where she was from, what her name was, how old is she. But I didn't respond to them and instead took another sip of my coffee.

I was about to speak when I got a text on my phone from the group chat.

SJ: are u guys watching Namjoon's live?

JK: yeah, they're going crazy about her

JM: it's a lot less than I expected tho

HS: just don't address it Joon, the more we avoid rumors and allegations, the better

TH: yeah, you don't have to explain that you can have friends

YG: she's just a friend until further notice, our company will deal with any scandals that people make up

I let out a sigh and pursed my lips, looking back up at the camera.

"Sorry, I got distracted." I leaned on my hand. "How are you guys doing? Tell me about your days." I smiled.

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