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Today is my last day here. I leave at 5am tomorrow. I made sure to text my mom the details last night before I went to bed so she can come pick me up.

I woke up around 12:30pm, in which I assumed that Namjoon had already left for work. So I spent about an hour packing my stuff. Most of it was just my hair care products in the bathroom. But I returned with my miniature bottles of shampoo and conditioner and tucked them in as the last items. I took the time to neatly refold all of my clothes and reorganize my shoes and makeup.

I actually started to feel a little sad as I walked around and collected my things. So when I sat on my knees beside my suitcase and looked around at the room that was now back to how it looked before, I couldn't help but let out a sigh.

But my sadness was shortened when my eyes fell on the purse that I took to the restaurant with me that was still just thrown on the bed since I basically passed out after I got changed.

But I jumped to grab the purse, looking through it eagerly until I came out with the black box that Namjoon gave me last night. I looked at it for a little before tucking it into a pocket in my suitcase. I found myself moving slower after this, as my body just didn't want to proceed with what comes next; the flight home. I double check my phone that I have everyone's number in my phone and find myself rereading old texts between me and the guys, getting lost in the memories. When suddenly, another text pops up.

NJ: hi Zaina

Hey Namjoon

NJ: oh good, you're up

NJ: Yoongi's birthday is today and he's having a get together with just us tonight and I wanted to bring you with me

Lol I'm not going unless he invites me

NJ: he invited you

Prove it

NJ: *voice message*

NJ: that translates to "Zaina should come too"

NJ: told you 😛

But I can't go, i didn't get him a gift

NJ: don't worry, hyung isn't much of a gift person. He knows that you can't get him something

I can tho, I just didn't lol

I think I'll call an Uber to take me to a store

NJ: Hoseok gets off work in an hour and a half, I'd feel better if he drove you there

Fineee Joonie

I'll wait for Seok.

Go back to work and you better eat

NJ: ok ok

NJ: make sure you eat something too ok?

I will Joon

I took my phone downstairs with me as I went to look for something to snack on since I wasn't that hungry at the moment. I went to pour myself a bowl of cereal, using familiar pictures and colors to guide me to a bowl of coco puffs.

I returned to the living room to turn on the tv and started to flick through channels until I saw a marvel movie on. I got comfortable, ate my cereal, and watched tv.


Before I knew it, I was slumped. But I was awoken by a sudden loud voice storming into the room.

"ZAINAAAA!" I recognized it as Hoseoks voice as I sat up and stretched my arms. "Hello Zaina!" He smiled when he saw me. I'm usually grumpy straight out of sleep but positivity was just radiating from him, to the point where I found myself smiling back.

"Hi Seok." I greeted back as I grabbed my empty bowl from the table to take to the kitchen. "Gimme a second to go get changed." I mumbled to him before walking back upstairs.

I was supposed to change after my cereal but, instead I changed my plan. I put on some ripped jeans and a cropped band tee. I paired it with some adidas and grabbed the oil from my luggage to fluff my hair out. My outfit was basic today since I didn't want to take much out of my suitcase for a cute fit so I just grabbed what was on top.

"So what kind of things does Yoongi like?" I asked as I came down the stairs.

"Umm black... uhhh..." He then pursed his lips and just pulled out his phone. "Like this." He held it out for me to see.

There was a picture of Yoongi surrounded by the guys, all of them holding bags with brand names like Louis Vuitton, Tommy Hilfiger, Balencia, and stuff like that.

"I cant afford that stuff!" My eyes went wide which made him gasp at me and then look back at his phone, which made his eyes go wide and he mumbled something before swiping on his phone.

"This one. Sorry." He giggled and showed me the phone again.

So he likes clothes and hats. At least that's what I gathered from what the other guys gave him his last birthday apparently. There was a lot more stuff but that was probably the most affordable thing I could relate to.

"Or... help Jimin with ummm cake." He gave an alternative as he tucked his phone away.

"Both." I smirked.

"Both?" He raised his brows.

"So what stores does he like to shop at?"


On the ride to the local mall, Hoseok was telling me all about Yoongi's likes and dislikes, throwing in some fun facts about himself and the others as well.

"Yoongi has a puppy. Named Holly. I have a puppy too, named Mickey." Hoseok smiled after stopping at a stop light. If I know anything about dog owners, especially small dog owners, is that they go crazy for their dogs.

"What if... how big is Holly?" I asked with a grin.

"Uhhh.." He measured the average small dog size with his hands. Perfect.

"To the pet store Seok!" I cheered. He was confused but typed the nearest pet store in gps anyway.


"You think he'd like this?" I held up a studded black dog collar. I found myself picking up a small leather vest as well, to complete the look after all.

"Ah!" Hoseok groaned in agreement, giving me a solid thumbs up. I already had a few things picked out for Yoongi since on the way, Hoseok was telling me all about how much he loved his puppy. So I feel like a gift like this would be the best thing I could get him. "Jimin uh..." Hoseok looked down at his phone. "I'll... you go... cake shop. With him."

"What does your puppy like?" I looked to him. I've always wanted a pet so pet stores are easy for me to get lost in.

"Um hair..." he pulled a piece of his hair up as he thought of the word before just picking up a hair bow and giggling at it.

"Awww! You use hair bows!" I gasped in excitement.

"My... sister... use them..."

"I've always wanted a pet. If y'all ever need a dog sitter or something, I'm always happy to take them. I've been told I gotta way with animals." I flaunted and lead the way to the checkout desk.

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