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The police left around a couple hours ago and Jungkook left when he said he would. Yoongi and Tae stayed with me though, to keep me company. I was eating left over pizza from last night with Tae while Yoongi was setting up a movie in the living room.

"Thanks for staying with me." I mumbled as I put two slices on a plate and then into the microwave.

"You're welcome." Taehyung smiled with his hands in his pants pockets. "Uh..." he looked off. "Thank you for... let us... stay here." He spoke with broken English and a proud smile.

"You guys are all so good at English. I should start practicing my Korean more. I'm too competitive to be this far behind." I chuckled, taking the plate out of the microwave and almost burning my hands because my dumbass used a glass plate. Tae looked at me confused. "Don't touch it." As I carefully set it on the counter, this time reaching for something other than a glass plate to heat up a couple more slices. "You can have those."

"My eat?" He pointed at himself. I nodded and he was quick to grab a slice, motioning for me to take the other one.

"You can have both. I'll get my own." I smiled and leaned against the counter next to the microwave. He nodded and ate generously.

"You feel... good?" He asked after finishing the first slice. I nodded.

"Yeah. I don't gotta talk about that bullshit ever again so I'm happy as hell." I smiled and he quickly giggled. "You can understand English but can't speak it?" In which he shrugged in response, just happily munching away. It was quiet for a little as we waited for the microwave. "I don't understand folks. Like I get that y'all are handsome and stuff but... to attack somebody you don't even know is outta pocket." I confusingly shook my head and grabbed my pizza from the now beeping microwave.

"Mh.." Tae hummed. "Your words... I dunno them." He used mostly hand motions.

"My bad. Its just slang, it's how most people talk where I'm from." I chuckled. "I can talk a little more basic for you though."

"I like it. Just new." He clarified with a big smile.

"Maybe one day I can teach you guys English and you can teach me Korean. You'd be learning the black version of English though." I chuckled and started to eat.

"Black? Version?"

"Don't worry, no curse words. Definitely not the n word. Just slick stuff, G." I tapped his arm playfully. "Let's go to Yoongi. We'll talk about this later." I grabbed my plate and lead the way to the living room, where Yoongi was already 15 minutes into a movie."


It was a lot later in the night. I was finishing up dishes and just cleaning up because those guys leave serious messes behind. Like this place was spick and span when I got here, but I assume that Joon didn't stay here often since over the past week, stuff has just been piling up. Don't even get me started when all of them are here. No one throws away their trash or cleans up behind themselves. But I guess it gives me something to do in the many hours that I spend here alone.

I was never really much of a cleaner. I just hate cleaning my own house, but I can clean other peoples houses all damn day.

I had my phone connected to the speaker system as I wiped off the kitchen surfaces and dining room table. And as expected, WAP came on. What kind of bad bitch would I be if I didn't buss it to this song?

Like I had taken a shower so I was in short shorts, but I was wearing one of Namjoon's shirts so it wasn't too revealing. But that don't mean I wasn't breaking my back nonstop. But once Megan's part came on, I had to turn it up because I was bout to fuck it up to this bass. I was doing every dance I could think of just out of excitement and I'm pretty positive I was killing that shit.

I turned around to go grab some paper towels, only to see Namjoon standing at the door with his phone out. My eyes immediately went wide from embarrassment and I just turned around and turned down the music, looking over my shoulder with a seductive tone to my voice to mask my embarrassment.

"Welcome home." My eyebrows twitched. He laughed and finally put his phone down. "So you were recording me! Either square up or delete it, my guy. You got two options." I stormed over with my guards up.

"Thank you for cleaning up. I was going to do it when I got home, so thanks." He gave me that charming smile with hooded eyes. I squinted at him, knowing damn well what he's tryna do.

"Smiling ain't gon save you from this smoke, I tell you that." I dropped back into position, riling up my right hook.

"Ah, I don't want to delete it. It's so cute." He straightened his lips and looked down at his phone.

"You caught me twerking in 4K, brodie. I can't accept that."

"But what if I didn't show it to anyone?" He raised both brows hopefully.

"Ion know, homie. I'll think about it." I put my arms down. "So how was work?" I smiled and went to go turn off my trap music.

"Not too bad. It was a bit of an easier day today." He spoke through strained breaths, walking to the kitchen and coming back with a water bottle. The way he was walking was weird.

"Did you go to the gym again? You're walking like you have a strained muscle." I chuckled.

"No. Was just some stuff I had to do for work." He responded. While I expected that to be a lie, it seems like he was telling the truth. But he told me before that he can't really talk about his job so I kept my questions to myself. "How was your talk with the police? I'm sorry that I wasn't able to make it here to support you, they needed me at work today."

"It's cool, dude. It was gonna be difficult regardless of who was there. But Tae was just as much of help as you would have been so I'm not fazed." I shrugged with a smile. His head tilted.

"What is fazed?" His tone was freaking adorable.

"It's like another version of 'I'm not bothered' to say 'I'm not fazed'." I explained, letting him nod with an understanding hum. "I was talking about this before with Tae when he was trying to understand my words but I was feeling myself at the time so I was speaking in slang only and he was so confused. But... you especially, I want to teach the slang of where I'm from. You already got the accent, the voice, the look, now you need the words and you'll be your everyday average lightskin." I joked as I crossed my arms and walked towards him. He seemed confused again.

"I'm sorry... I have questions." He chuckled with a hand over his mouth. I let out a hum with a tilt to my head and waited for his questions. "What is lightskin? And what do you mean, I have the accent, and stuff?" His brows were drawn together curiously.

"That's another slang term. The term lightskin refers to a type of man that's usually portrayed as a fuckboy, typically seen in lighter skinned black men. And the accent, the voice, and the look?" I looked him up and down slowly, slightly flustered when I met his eyes again. "I'd rather not talk about it... when you come to America, you'll understand by how black people treat you." I smiled.

"What's a fuckboy?"

"A guy who's cute, knows he's cute, and uses his looks and smooth talking to lure girls into sleeping with them. And once they get what they want, they ditch the girl."

"I look like a fuckboy?" He laughed.

"No, that's not what I'm saying!" I quickly denied. "It's just a type of confidence and aura that comes from those type of people. That's it." I put my hands out.

"Thank you for educating me on your culture. I'm really interested." He nodded with raised brows and wide excited eyes. God he's so cute when he's like this damnit. And scaling his body to try and find an explanation for him, only to get flustered by how amazing his body proportions are. Im about to break into a sweat from this man.

"Of course, dude. Learning cultures is one of the  reasons I came here so I'm more than happy to share mine."

"I have so many more questions. Im gonna go shower first, where will you be?"

"In the room, probably in bed." I chuckled, feeling uncomfortable calling it my room, since I basically stole it from him.

"I'll meet you there." He smiled but as he turned towards the stairs, he winked at me. God please help me.

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