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I had just finished the chicken that Jungkook brought for lunch when the front door opened and two voices pierced the silent air. I threw away the boxes and hurried to greet them since I recognized one of the voice as Jin.

"Hi Jin." I smiled.

"Hey Zaina. This is Taehyung."

"I remember him." I chuckled and waved to him as well, though he seemed to be zoned out or something with how hard he was staring at me. Jin snapped in Korean and he finally came to, reaching forward to shake my hand with a shy smile.

"We just wanted to check on you." Jin put a hand on my shoulder and started to walk us to the couch where we all sat down. "They told us it and... I wish that not happened." Taehyung mumbled something to him with wide curious eyes in which Jin just flicked his hand at him.

"I-I mean it's fine now. I'm doing okay, the police came before anything happened so don't worry."

"Is it?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow. His voice was so deep, it actually caught me off guard.

"Y-Yeah. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook have already come by. I'm ready to stop talking about it." I tucked my hands between my legs and shrugged. They looked at each other, mumbling softly, and Tae just got up and walked away.


"Go get her water and a blanket." I mumbled to Tae. When Namjoon told us what happened, he and Yoongi also told us that she'd have to give a statement. Knowing this, and seeing her reaction of discussing it with us... it shouldn't be us that tells her that she'll have to speak to the police soon. But the least we can do is comfort her in the meantime. "How are you? Life here?" I looked towards her.

"Good, much better. Thank you." She gave me a calm smile. I could see the pain behind her eyes, that she was just trying her best to forget about what happened. We've been bothered by sasaeng fans as well, we've been stalked, stolen from, harassed, sabotaged, tracked, pulled, pushed, hurt by those people, so all of us can relate to how she's feeling right now. But at least we know that this happens because of our fame, while she's left in the dark. I feel terrible for her.

"Sorry, be right back." I excused myself and walked into a random direction until she couldn't see me anymore and pulled out my phone.

Joon idk if I can keep doing this

NJ: doing what hyung?

I can't look her in the eyes and see that she's still scared and not tell her why this happened

We've been in her shoes before, but imagine this happening and having no idea why

NJ: I know...

NJ: I feel terrible about it too

Do you still think that we can't trust her enough to tell her this? You trust her with your phone number

It took you four years to give that to us

NJ: you had my kakao, you didn't need my number

NJ: but the reason behind this isn't because we can't trust her. Of course we trust her, she's living in my house with my personal laptop, my iPad, hundreds of thousands of won worth of designer clothes.

NJ: I trust her without a doubt

Then what is it, Namjoon?

Why must we leave her in the dark??

NJ: I'm afraid hyung

NJ: what if we tell her... and she leaves?

She leaves?

She's going to be leaving soon anyway

NJ: no, I mean like... leaves us and doesn't ever talk to us again?

Do you really think she would?

NJ: when I first met her, I lied about little things and she always knew when I was lying, and would scold me to not lie

NJ: or she would threaten to fight me lol

NJ: but... I've been lying to her, this entire time

NJ: after I told her that I wouldn't anymore

Namjoon... we can't hide this forever

Our next album already has over three million preorders, it's going to be our biggest album yet.

We've been breaking into America, our faces are plastered all over Korea

Our videos and names trend on social media every single day

Would you rather she recognize your face on a McDonald's commercial and realize that you've been hiding a second life and an amazing discount on chicken nuggets from her?

NJ: hyung please... can we talk about this another time?

We'll have dinner here tonight, all of us

NJ: are you going to make me tell her tonight?


That choice is yours. But I've given you my opinion

NJ: okay... see you at the fitting then

I put my phone away and let out a breath, running my hand through my hair stressfully. It just pains me that she had to go through that. She's trying to be so strong. She's building up walls with tissue paper.

I sighed and turned around to return to her, seeing that Tae was already there. She had the blanket wrapped around her shoulders as Tae sat on the floor in front of her as they watched tv intently.

I smiled and sat on the couch beside her, just leaning back and watching tv as well.


I arrived home first to shower after the fitting. It was around 8pm or so since the fitting didn't take very long and the outfits were ready for us to try on.

I couldn't stop thinking about Jin's texts, and the looks he was giving me at the fitting. As if the weight on my shoulders couldn't get any heavier.

I just threw my shoes off and walked into the house slowly. Everyone else would be by in an hour or so so I took my time to walk to my bedroom. All of the lights were off, telling me that she must be asleep already.

I knocked softly on the room that she was sleeping in, just to see if she was awake or not. When receiving no answer, I walked in anyway.

Seeing her sleeping figure made me let out a breath. She must have not intended to fall asleep since all of the lights were still on, her phone was still in her hand and she wasn't wearing her bonnet.

"I wish I could tell you the truth." I took her phone from her hand and put it on the bedside table. "But I don't know what I would do if you left me forever." Of course I was speaking in Korean, if she heard what I was saying... I looked around for her bonnet, eventually finding it in the bathroom and bringing it back to her. "You're more important to me than I'd ever admit. And I know that hiding something so huge from you won't end well, but i don't want you to leave... even though lying to you for so long will guarantee it. I didn't want to tell you until..." I sighed and looked away. "Until I knew if you felt the same way about me, that I felt for you. Whether you do or don't, you don't deserve to be lied to like this. I know what I need to do... but I don't know if I can."

I put her bonnet on for her and turned off the bedside light. I couldn't help but let out one more sigh. "Wake up soon and come down for dinner. I want to see you smile one last time before you know the truth."

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