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"Are you tired at all?" Minseong asked after a flight attendant came around to collect our empty dishes.

"No, I took a nap. I haven't really slept for long because of my anxiety. I'm afraid of the emotions I could feel from seeing them again. Afraid of how they feel about me. You know what I mean?"

"Well, I can say for a fact that they do want to see you. They don't say your name , but every time they say 'she' they mean you. Though Namjoon rarely talks during those conversations."

"Are they doing okay? Is... Namjoon.. okay?"

"They are. As humans, they're a little down but as idols, they're doing great. Although, Namjoon has been a little more down than the rest, but he's been holding it together with the help of the guys and the fans. Don't worry. How have you been?"

"I've been thinking about whether I was ever going to see them again. Being lied to is not something that I can just let go like everyone else. It's just... I've been lied to a lot by people in my past, men in my past. Even though Namjoon's lies we're small and justified, he still lied. This whole thing has just been a headache because I just don't know how to feel or what to do. My mom is telling me one thing, my friend is telling me another, and I'm stuck in the middle."

"Well if you'd like any two cents, I think that the break was necessary. Although, he kept his identity a secret because he's a huge name and he involved you in his private life. If you knew about him, you'd have to sign a contract with our company to not release any of his personal details. And now that you do know, you will have to do that. Whether you chose to continue your friendship or not. Especially because you know all seven of their phone numbers and personal details, which usually doesn't happen." Minseong explained with animated hand movements. I just nodded and turned to look out the window, letting out a sigh.

"Is it rare for them to meet new people?"

"For them to meet people who don't know them? Has never happened before. Any friends that they have now, they had before they were famous or have made while working along side them. They don't really have the time to just go into the world and create new relationships. So Namjoon going out of his way to speak to you, like he did at the hotel, is very rare."

"I thought so, he seemed very awkward." I chuckled a little.

"That's also rare. I'm not around him too often, only during work hours when the seven are together. But Namjoon is usually very confident and secure, he rarely gets shy. But when he came to work in the two weeks that you were there, he was glowing, constantly smiling and shouting because he was always excited. It was like he just finished a concert, that type of.. ecstasy, is the word."

"Oh..." I shyly looked to the floor and smiled a little.

"If you were ever concerned that the guys didn't actually like you and just wanted to use you or something, Hoseok can't lie to save his life and Tae can't pretend to like someone. He's a good actor, but not that good."

"So it's true..." I mumbled to myself. He hummed and raised his brows. "My sister said something like that. Because she's a huge BTS fan and she was trying to convince me to meet with them again by giving me factual examples of how sincere they are."

"How many others did you tell?" His eyes dropped for the first time.

"I didn't tell anyone. But my mom forcefully got it out of me and then she showed my sister. My mom still doesn't know who they are but I made sure that my sister wouldn't tell a soul. She knows I'd probably be arrested if she did."

"You would." Minseong chuckled. "If she leaked phone numbers and addresses to the public, she would face prosecution, unless she's a minor, in which you would take those charges."

"All they know is that I met the guys while visiting, they don't know any numbers or addresses." I clarified. Minseong nodded and smiled.

"Well. We arrive in a couple hours, I have some manager things to do so you can enjoy the rest of the flight."


"God it gets so hot under those lights." Jungkook breathed as he held a fan to his neck. It was after the concert and we were in the process of getting changed while the staff was packing and security was escorting Army out.

"Maybe if you go bald you'd feel some wind." I laughed as I took a water from the cooler.

"Army would cry if Jungkook lost his precious locks." Hoseok cooed on his way over from changing out of his sweaty clothes.

"I don't know, bald do sound kinda dope tho." Jungkook raised his brows with a tilt to his head before giggling.

"Namjoon-ah, what are you doing tonight?" I walked over to him, passing him a clean towel since he was currently shirtless while staff helped ventilate him.

"Trying to figure out why I'm so sweaty." He chuckled a little, taking the towel to dry his sweaty hands.

"It's your workout routine. Remember when Jungkook turned 21 and he started working out like crazy? He turned into a grease ball for like a year. He'd sit down for two minutes and soak the entire couch." I laughed to comfort him.

"I wanna start working on my body more, but it was getting hard to hold the mic out there." He then demonstrated the times when the mic stumbled out of his hands before he caught it. "There's wet spots on my jeans because that's where I was wiping my hands." He chuckled and pointed to his thighs, where there were drying damp spots. "But you seem to be in a good mood tonight hyung, you were really distant yesterday. You were a little quiet at the concert, I was afraid something was wrong."

"No I'm fine, just got a text from an old friend that I missed." I softly smiled and met his eyes. He silently understood and smiled back. "Put your clothes on, I'm tired of staring at your nipples." I laughed and walked away to sit next to Yoongi as he was scrolling through his phone.

"Is she here yet?" He mumbled since the rest of the guys were up doing their own thing and not paying attention to us. I took a drink from my water before he held out his hand for a drink too. I passed it to him as I swallowed.

"Not yet, she should be landing around midnight. Do you mind if she stays with you for the night?"

"Why? I thought you already said she was staying with you."

"That was before I lost rock, paper, scissors and got the small room. I don't have a second bed." I chuckled. "But Namjoon is less likely to come randomly knocking on your door in the middle of the night."

"Let's switch rooms. I have someone coming by tonight." He still hasn't looked up from his phone.

"I'm glad we're on the same page. I'll get my stuff and wait outside your door."

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