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"Hyungggg~" I groaned as Jimin stood in front of the tv, blocking me from watching myself win this Overwatch round.

"You promised." He put his hands on his hips.

"Jin hyung's sleep already! Lemme finish this round first goddamn."

"I won't move until we go see him! He owes me $100, Kookie!" He whined, dramatically throwing his hands down.

"So what! It's not my $100! Go by yourself hyung!" I shouted, trying my best to look around him since the match was almost over and I was so close to winning before he stepped in front of me.

"It's scary to go by myself, you know that..." He pouted with soft eyes.

"If I go with you, will you let me play my game?!" I sighed in defeat.

"Yesss!" Jimin happily jumped, swinging his tiny fists around. I let the match end and threw my controller onto the bed as I rolled my eyes, trying not to let myself smile at his adorable behavior.

"Where the hell is his room?" I brushed my hair back, grabbing my room key and following Jimin out.

"I think he's the second room from the elevator." Jimin looked both ways down the hall before turning to the right and to the beginning of the hall. Whenever we stay in hotels, our management rents out the entire floor so that theres no chance of sasaengs finding our rooms, and so all of our staff has places to sleep. On the way down the hall, we ended up running to Namjoon.

"What are you two doing out so late?" He asked as he held a filled ice box in his hands.

"Going to Jin hyung's to get my fuckin money." Jimin smiled oh so sweetly.

"Come to my room after, I wanna talk about something that happened at the concert today." We both nodded and hummed in agreement before he walked into his room and we continued down the hall.

"Let's hurry this up." I sighed impatiently, way too eager to get back to my gaming. Like I was so focused, I was on a roll, winning almost six matches in a row before his country ass stepped into my room with them lemon pepper steppers, pepper steppin in front of the tv and fuckin up my streak.

"Oh so now you wanna rush me, you didn't see me rushing your fat ass."

"Fat ass? You wanna go there? Listen here you tiny, bite sized-"

"Can y'all shut the fuck up?" Yoongi peaked his head out of his door, clearly shirtless. We both stared at him silently. "Can't even smash in peace no more, damn." He closed his door and mumbled his way back into room.

"Come on, damn." I walked faster until we arrived to Jin's room. I banged on the door. "JIN HYUNG!! OPEN THE FUCK UP!" Jimin just giggled behind me as I crossed my arms and we waited together. There was shuffling behind the door and then it finally opened, Jin standing there with his eye mask on the top of his head and a blank face.

"The fuck you want?"

"My fuckin money. Fess it up." Jimin held his hand out with a sweet smile.

"You couldn't have came to me when I wasn't half dead, damn." He turned around back into his room, leaving his door cracked. Jimin barged in, dragging me with him but leaving me at the entry way.

I sighed, leaning against the wall and waited, knowing that if I left, Jimin wouldn't let me slap his ass before concerts which I can't sacrifice.

I found myself drawing away from their 'discussion' from a smell that wafted the room. A familiar smell. The smell of a certain person's hair products.

My nostrils flared, trying to figure out where this smell was coming from. I have a really sensitive nose so what smells faint to others, is drowning for me. I remember this exact smell from... when I hugged Zaina in the bathroom after her testimony.

"Hyung." I blurted out, not wanting to jump to any conclusions. I didn't notice before but Jin and Jimin were holding each other's shirts, threatening to fight. "Did Zaina give you a hair product or something?" My eyebrows furrowed, making both of their heads turn to me.

"You wake me up, try to fight me, and now accuse me of stealing, y'all got the wrong o-" He pushed himself from Jimin's hands.

"I smell..." I tilted my head, tracking the location of the smell to the bathroom. "Her hair conditioner." I turned my body towards it but kept my eyes on them. Jin went silent now, Jimin turning towards him too, making his ears go bright red. "If it's not her conditioner, then why does it smell like it?"

"T-there's other things in the world that smell like that, you know!" He quickly tried to defend himself, though his lying habits were exposing themselves. "You got your money, out." He flicked his wrists at us.

"What's that smell, hyung?" I crossed my arms, holding my ground.

"It's like a mix of my body wash and shampoo or something. Now get out. I'll call your managers, Jungkook you know Seongju is waiting for a chance to beat your ass."

"Give me an extra five-" Jimin smirked.

"The fuck out." Jin strictly pointed at the door.

"I'll be in Namjoon's room then. I like him better than you anyway." Jimin pouted with his arms crossed, sluggishly leaving the room.

"You too, out."

I can't just leave... I have to find out what that smell is first. It smells just like her... but why would she be here, and in Jin's bathroom of all places? I gotta think about this through her eyes.

She left without telling us bye, cut off contact with us, because Namjoon told her about our true identity. If it was just a heat of the moment decision, then she would have unblocked us soon after she got home and explained herself. But she didn't. There must have been a reason that she completely dropped contact with us. But if that reason kept her away until now, she would be thinking about us, how we feel. I'm sure she'd know how Namjoon was taking all of this. And I'm sure that she wouldn't like to hear it. No matter how mad she is at the rest of us, she was always different around him. Her smiles were always genuine, but they were brighter around him. And I remember her playful nature. If she was going to come back, she wouldn't tell anyone, especially not Namjoon. So... her hiding in Jin's bathroom... is totally a Zaina thing to do.

"Hyung..." I stared at the door. "Zaina's in there, isn't she?"

"W-what?" His ears couldn't get any more red at this point, telling me all I need to know.

"She's here. That's her conditioner, I smell it!" I exclaimed.

"No you don't! If all you can smell is her conditioner, then you have no bias to claim that!"

"So it is her conditioner??" Both my eyebrows raised. "You say you didn't steal it, which means she still has it, which means she still uses it. So if I smell it, it's her." I put the pieces together, pointing to the door in the end. Jin just sighed and held his nose bridge.

"Jungkook, it's fuckin 10pm, I have pretty people things to do tomorrow. Out."

"If she's in there and it's supposed to be a secret, blink twice." I smirked at him. He sighed, rolled his eyes until they were looking elsewhere, and blinked twice. I smiled, bit my bottom lip and looked at the floor. "Goodnight hyung." I waved and finally left the room.

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