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"No! I'm not gonna tell nobody!" Kaylah snapped at me. She just got home from school and I was concerned that she told all her big mouthed friends.

"You better not. If you ever want to meet Yoongi, pretend I never said anything." I threatened.

"I don't need you to meet Yoongi!"

"You're not gonna meet Yoongi without me!"

"Yes I will!"

"No you won't!"

"Are y'all five? Shut up." My mom glared at us after stepping out of her bedroom.

"Mama, she on my head because she thought I snitched!" Kaylah pointed at me.

"Because your mouth is too big to not tell the whole world about-"

"I said, shut up." Mom spoke through gritted teeth. "If y'all wake me up again, no one is meeting nobody because I'm taking your phones." She then turned around back into her room.

"It's not like I have something to tell anyway." Kaylah rolled her eyes. "What do I say, my sister met Yoongi? I'd look stupid saying that." She mumbled before stomping off to her room.

I sighed and crossed my arms. She's spent the last week on showing me her favorite music videos, dance practices, just BTS videos in general. It's one week from two months that I've left Korea. I won't lie and say that I've started to get stressed. I can't just leave and forget them. I want to talk this out with them. The guilt of just ditching them is starting to weigh on me, regardless of how angry I was initially. I've had almost two months to think this over and, my thought process has changed on this topic a million different times. Even though all of them lied, I trusted Namjoon the most, and so the fact that he lied hurts the most.

I go from angry that he lied about being a celebrity, to sad because I miss him and the time that we spent together, to happy because I feel like going back to my life before traveling is refreshing and nostalgic, to guilty because I left all of them with no explanation, not even a thank you for the hospitality. And since the majority of those emotions are bad, it's telling me that ghosting them is not a good choice for me.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out to see a new text from my long time best friend of six years, Kendall. I've been getting back in contact with her to check in with her since she's been out of state in college for the last two years but she noticed that something was wrong with me instead. I was texting her earlier but she had to go to a lecture.

KD: ok I'm back

K I gotta question

KD: Z I gotta answer

Ok so let's say, you met this guy from a different country

KD: I'm listening

And you spent two weeks with him, he became one of your best friends and made you feel at home in a foreign country

KD: mhm

And you became close enough to him to the point where just his name gave you butterflies... because he made you feel special and wanted like you've never felt before

KD: this a long ass question

You want background or you wanna be confused?

KD: ...

KD: continue

And the last few days of your trip come and he takes you on a date where he gives you a little box and tells you not to open it until you fly back home.

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