80 (16+)

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"There she is!" Minseong shouted as Namjoon lead the way back into the room. "You guys done being four now?" He crossed his arms.

"Hush up! I had my reasons." I pouted from embarrassment. Jungkook hugged my shoulders from behind and Jimin approached us with a box.

"Open! Open!" Hoseok cheered, his phone out as he recorded us. I awkwardly looked around as everyone else seemed to already know what was in the box. I lifted the lid of the box with the help of Jungkook as he did restrain my arms with his hug. There was a cake inside, making me crane my neck to see it better. There were words written on it, reading-

"Congrats Manager-nim!" Jimin cheered, reading it out for me.

"Wait forreal??" I gasped, looking around the room to read their faces. They all held legitimate excitement, even Yoongi who had a small smile on his lips. "Wait up!" I laughed. "I got the job??!"

"You got the job!" Minseong cheered.

"Did you know about this??" I looked back at Jungkook who was standing there with wide eyes as well, shaking his head in response.

"This is what the phone call was about, by the way." Namjoon scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"You should have called me!" I scolded Minseong, about to serve this smoke on a silver platter if Kook wasn't holding me back.

"I'm tired of talking to you." He sighed. "What's wrong with passing the message?"

"This. Is wrong." I chuckled, pointing at myself.

"Dually noted." He nodded.

"Eat! Eat!" Jungkook chanted, his accent a little heavy from excitement.

"Stop teasing the man, feed him." I chuckled and nodded back at him. Jimin set the cake down on the desk and the rest flooded around to get a slice. Minseong spoke in Korean at the guys and waved before walking to where I was still standing.

"I gotta get going, I'm meeting with the staff today for concert preparations so don't call me again." He threatened.

"I'll call you if I want to. You ain't my mama."

"If you call me, I'll come get you and take you to meet the chairman, regardless of what you wearing or how your hair looks." He squinted.

"Fucker." I grimaced. He stuck his tongue out at me, I returned the gesture.

"Seriously. Be good, and don't yell at them. Your first task as Kookie's manager is to make sure he doesn't wander off or leave without telling you where he's going. Don't be too harsh."

"I'm not harsh. I'm very gentle." I pouted.

"Mhm, and I was actually born in Korea, lie again." He snickered. I punched his shoulder playfully and he pretended to hurt oh so bad. "Owie, how could you! Namjoon, you're gonna let your girlfriend hit me??"

"You probably deserved it." He mumbled over his shoulder as he was getting a bit of cake too.

"Ass." Minseong grumbled.

"Go bout your business, homie." I flicked my wrist. "I think I have everything covered here."

"Excited to hear you call me in two minutes, begging for help."

"Leave." I laughed, not wanting to admit that I may not everything covered here.

"I'll see you tonight at the airport." He smiled and brought me into a hug. I felt a weight in my hoodie pocket in the midst of the hug. Once stepping back he smirked and winked. "You're welcome." Before turning around and leaving.

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