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I started to diffuse my hair with the blow dryer after moisturizing and styling my hair to my satisfaction. My head was upside down as it leaned over on the edge of the bed since that usually gave me more volume.

I still hadn't perfected my hair routine and I'm still learning how to diffuse. And since my hair was so thick, I can never really dry the insides of my hair, you know, the meat in the sandwich. I'm basically asking for pneumonia walking out like that.

So I tried my best to dry as best as I could in the time I had left. That was until a face popped up next to my face, making me jump. I looked up to see Jimin standing there.

"Y'all need to stop doing that. Deadass." I mumbled after turning off the hairdryer. I felt my hair for wet spots, feeling most of them in the back and let out a tired sigh as I flipped my hair again and turned on the blow dryer.

Jimin must have been studying my technique because he suddenly walked over and squatted down in front of me, taking the device from my hand to do it for me. I smiled, silently thankful for the break to my tired arms.

Within 10 minutes, he turned off the blow dryer and tapped my knee to give it back.

"Thank you Jimin." I smiled at him, flipping my hair back up.

"Is that your... clothes?" He pointed to the dress laying on the bed.

"The clothes I plan to wear?" Jimin nodded. "Yeah. Is it bad?" I chuckled.

"N-no... I really like it." He spoke through broken English. "Namjoon will... like it too."

"So you know about this dinner? Is it a date? You can tell me, I won't snitch." I whispered with a playful smirk.

"Ah Zaina..." He laughed, throwing himself onto the bed. "He said no. His... face... say yes." He giggled.

"Forreal??" I chuckled, I literally didn't expect him to say yes. He nodded, covering his face behind his hands. "I won't tell, promise." I assured, turning towards my outfit. "Do you know what he's wearing?"

"I'm here... to..." Jimin sat up, searching the floor for the words. "See yours. To tell him." He finally smiled.

"You're all so good at that. Being bilingual is a huge flex, my guy." I mumbled as I returned to my luggage to see what makeup I brought. I wasn't huge on makeup, nor was I good at it, I could barely do eyeliner but if I did wear makeup, it was just eyeliner and gloss.

But this is my first date with a man that I actually like. I can't pull up like a basic bitch. I'm only on my hot girl shit. Period.

Jimin stood up to look at my clothes that were laying on the bed, taking a good, close look at them. Even squinting as if that would help him see better. He then tilted his head and mumbled to himself, and that's when he noticed me looking up at him from my suitcase.

"A-ah.. um be right back!" He smiled and scurried out of the room. I continued to take out the makeup I brought I took it to the bathroom.


Okay Zaina! Looking like a bad bitch! After finishing my makeup, I put on the dress as carefully as I could without messing up my hair or makeup. Regardless of how much I messed up, I'd still fuck me.

I strapped on my heels, grabbed my purse with all my stuff in it, and finally left the room to go downstairs, since it was about 30 minutes to 5pm now. I was distracted on my way downstairs, trying to get my phone out of my purse since I hadn't looked at it in a long time and wanted to know if someone texted me before we go.

But as I got closer and closer to the floor I heard talking between Jimin and Namjoon, telling me that he's already down there. The butterflies started to flutter again as it quickly sunk in. I'm about to go on a date with this man. I'm going on a fucking date. WITH THIS MAN.

I met eyes with Jimin immediately, since he was facing me. His expression turned from smiling to in awe. Which made the tall, slender man in front of him turn around.

We met eyes for the first time tonight.

"Oh shit."


We both exasperated our reactions aloud. Namjoon was wearing a black breathable button down shirt, which is understandable because it's probably hot as hell outside. And it looked sooo much better tucked into his wide legged black pants than I thought it would. The way he styled his hair just amplified the fit. He's asking for marriage and a mortgage looking like this.

"Hello? Y-you guys?" Jimin giggled into the silent air. We were both shook from our trances and looked away to gather ourselves.


Holy fucking shit.

When Jimin said a black dress and heels, the details he left out are damning. I literally can't believe my eyes... she's stunning.

The way she styled her hair, and did her make up, her shape in that dress... this must be a dream. If it is, I never want to wake up.

"Hyung, your dicks hard." Jimin mumbled through a laugh, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Y-you look beautiful, Zaina." I put my hands in front of me, discreetly trying to hide the bulge in my pants.

"Thanks, Namjoon. You look really handsome too." She shyly smiled back. Ah I'm gonna melt. Is this what a crush feels like?

"If y'all are done eye fucking each other-" Jimin laughed in Korean.

"L-let's uh get going." I nervously bit my lip and started to walk out first, Zaina behind me, and Jimin behind her, since he was our ride.


We arrived at the restaurant in about 10 minutes, Jimin pulling up to the front door to drop us off. I got out first and walked around to open the door for Zaina.

"Thanks Jiminie. I owe you one!" I smiled as I helped her out.

"Thank me by not getting her pregnant." Jimin laughed, immediately making my eyes go wide. "I'm joking hyung, I'd love to be an uncle." Instead of responding, I just closed the door and turned to her with a smile.

I'm positive that she feels that this is a date. Which actually might be a good thing at this point. Although it could be dangerous to act on my emotions. But, Jin hyung doesn't allow reporters or paparazzi into his restaurant so the only way that anything were to be posted online about this, would be taken without our permission. And the photographer will be dealing with BigHit.

The host, whom I've recognized from coming here so many times, lead us to a table in a less crowded part of the restaurant.

"A waiter will be right with you." She smiled and put menus in front of us before turning around to return to her station. I translated it loosely for Zaina as her eyes were already deep in the menu.

"Sorry, I'm starving dude." She chuckled and looked up at me. I hadn't even taken a glance at the menu because I was so entranced by her. I just couldn't look away. "You good?" She chuckled nervously.

"A-ah sorry." I quickly looked away. Good job Namjoon, you're fucking it up. Did your dumbass even remember to bring her gift? I looked to a satchel that I brought to carry my stuff, honestly worried because I don't remember packing it. But my anxiety finally faded when I saw it in there, I'm so glad that Jimin helped me get ready. He even picked this outfit out for me, rolled up my sleeves and all. I kept trying to wear something of my style, but he kept saying that she looking too hot for me to look like a hobo.

"I can't read any of this." She laughed and leaned on her hand.

"I'll help you." I quickly cleared my throat and leaned forward to help her.

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