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I waved goodbye to the guys and entered my hotel room. I was trying to be as quiet as I could in case Zaina was still asleep. And from peaking around the corner, I can see that she still was.

I was trying to be quiet as I walked into the living part of the room so that I could set the stuff on the bed and get to work at the desk but, of course, I tripped over literally everything on the floor and then banged my foot on the corner of the bed on top of that. I winced but still hopped my way to the desk chair.

"Joon?" A soft voice called out just as I was logging into my laptop. I looked over my shoulder to see Zaina very slowly waking up. "You're so damn loud." She groaned and wiped her eyes tiredly.

"I'm sorry, I tried to be quiet but.. it didn't work." I chuckled with a nervous bite to my lip.

"Are you working again?" Her voice still soft as she turned over.

"Yeah, I told you I would be. Remember?"

"Mh." She sleepily nodded.

"Are you feeling any better? Or are you still hurting?" I got up out of the chair to grab the bag that I got from the store, smiling at her pleased nods. "A few of us went to a corner store to grab some snacks." I flipped the bag over to empty the containments out on the bed, seeing a few things that I don't remember picking up.

"You got me pads and juice boxes??!" She almost gasped. "Joonie~" Her eyes looked up at me, sparkling with pure joy.

"A-ah.. yes." I chuckled and pushed those towards her while I looked at the rest of my stuff. Yoongi hyung must have put those in my bag after he paid for them. But... I remember seeing those pads in Jimin's hands, and the juice boxes in Jungkook's. "Jimin, Jungkook, and Yoongi got them for you. I just went with them."

"Awww, I love those boys. Text them right now and tell them I love them." She smiled fondly as she opened up a juice box. I took out my phone to go to the group chat.

Zaina says she loves you

SJ: told you she's mine

Not you, hyung

TH: Aw, I'm flattered

She said to everyone that got stuff for her from the store

JM: except for you, huh hyung?

Shut up

JK: you told her I left?? Is she mad??

No, she really adores the fact that we went out and got stuff for her

JK: so that's how I can get away with sneaking out.

HS: lol don't risk it Kookie

Yeah, she's not gonna let you go everytime

"Oh, did you say Jungkook went with you?" Her eyebrows furrowed as she'd finished one juice box.

"Um.. yes. He did." I avoided eye contact as I clarified that.

"Was he good?" She reached for another juice box.

"As good as he normally is with us. He's usually very playful with Jimin but behaves well with Yoongi and I. So I'd say he was pretty good." I nodded. She looked around for her phone and then unlocked it and held it out for me.

"Text him that I can't believe what he did. But don't tell him anything else." She chuckled a little.

"So sneaky." I snickered fondly and tucked my phone away and took hers to fulfill her request, then putting it back down on the bed. "Management has a dinner planned at 7pm tonight, the vans will be outside by 6:40pm. Do you think you'll still be feeling okay by then?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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