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I stood in the bathroom, diffusing my hair after washing and styling it. I am going through it, to say the least. My shower and hair washing routine took a few hours in whole. Which left one hour until 10. An hour and 30 minutes before I go to his room.

So I was sure to shower and moisturize and everything to feel my most confident. I wore a matching adidas sweatpants and hoodie set.

My anxiety was at an all time high. I didn't even have the appetite to order dinner because my hunger was replaced with butterflies. Like I don't even know what to do with myself. I was hoping that my washday would take long enough to where when I came back to my phone, I'd see a text message but I still had another hour.

I flipped my hair over to the other side and adjusted the blow dryer, my hands felt through the curls, checking for wet spots. I was about to move the diffuser to the back of my hair when I suddenly looked up and saw a man standing behind me in the mirror. I jumped and immediately turned around.

"Make a noise next time, goddamn." I calmed down with a breath and a hand over my heart.

"I'm a little early, sorry." It was just Minseong. I turned off the blow dryer and just shook my hair to get it in the right style to air dry the rest of the way.

"What happened? It's only 9pm." I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I got the times wrong. The concert was actually 7pm to 8:30pm. The guys are already at dinner and should be back by 10. So nows a good time." He checked his designer wrist watch.

"I'm so anxious, Minseong." I breathed, turning back around to face the mirror. He walked over to me with crossed arms, leaning against the counter with his back to the mirror.

"You'll be more anxious if you don't go. There's no reason to be anxious. He'll welcome you with open arms. He'll look at you and go 'oh my god! Is it really you?!' Trust me." He chuckled. "He's still a big teddy bear at heart."

"Well, how was the concert today?" I asked with a sigh, starting to apply my chapstick.

"Amazing, as always. The guys killed it out there but they exhaust themselves so quickly. They burn energy at the speed of light out there. So they're probably gonna eat dinner and get here within the next 20 minutes so we need to get a move on it." He checked his watch again, looking over at me.

"Fine, fine." I agreed, gathering my things from the bathroom counter and walking back to my suitcase to stuff them in. I packed the rest of my stuff and made up the bad that I slept in. "I'm... I'm ready Minseong..." I took a deep breath, nodding and holding my suitcase in my hand.

"You sure?" He grinned. I stared at him and he just nodded, leading the way out the room. I tried my best to keep my breath steady as I followed him through the halls. "Okay. Here we are." I watched him pull a card from his pocket. "Ready?" Minseong looked back at my shivering form.

"O-oh um, yeah. I'm ready." I nodded shakily. He just snickered and unlocked the door, leading the way in. Once we were both in and the door closed, his eyes went wide. "W-what?" I tried to follow where his eyes were but they kept moving.

"Namjoon's here already." He mumbled and let the space between us go silent, allowing me to hear the shower water. "What is he doing here so early??" I was immediately in panic mode as well.

"What do we do??" I asked.

"Okay. Okay." He whispered, trying to keep me calm and quiet. "Just wait somewhere in the room for him to finish showering. Just like the plan that we discussed before. You'll just have to see him a lot earlier than you assumed so I hope you prepared." He put his hands out.

"But, what if-" I was about to talk until we both heard the shower stop. My eyes went wide and he held on my shoulders.

"I'm gonna go. You got this." Minseong gave me two thumbs up.

"But-" it was too late to convince him to stay, he was already gone. The room was so silent that I could hear my own heart pounding in my ears. My mind was racing, thinking about all of the outcomes that could occur when he walks out of that bathroom. I was stuck standing in place, my eyes on some random corner of the floor. Well, until the door opened and my eyes instantly went wide.

Oh.. my god...

I watched Namjoon step out of the bathroom with my back against the front door, and he seemed to see me out of the corner of his eye because he ended up taking a double take, before turning around to face me completely.

"Z-... Zaina..." His voice was in complete disbelief, eyes wide and stuck on mine.

"N-Namjoon... Hi.." I mumbled in return, a shy smile on my face. He then gasped in Korean before rubbing his eyes, just to stare me again in even more disbelief than before. "Y-You okay?" I nervously asked, my gaze faltering a little under his rarely blinking eyes.

"You're real!" A smile instantly grew on his face. "How did you get he- no, when did you ge- are you back to see us?? I can't believe this!" He excitedly rambled on and on, and that's when I noticed that he wasn't wearing anything but a towel around his waist. The aforementioned towel now slipping from the not it was tied on.

"Namjoon, your towel." I interrupted him in a calm panic. He quickly looked down and grabbed it securely.

"Don't move! I'll be right back!" He excitedly put out both hands before scrambling around the room and then back into the bathroom. "Oh my god!" I heard him shriek from behind the door. I just giggled and took my suitcase further into the room. In the same 10 seconds, Namjoon ran up to me, engulfing me in a hug. "I can't believe this." He whispered, holding my shoulders tighter and curling more around my body. I forgot how tall he was.


"I missed how you said my name." He let out a breath of relief. I tried to tap his biceps to get his attention.

"Joonie, I think your computer is ringing." I chuckled after seeing his open laptop on a desk over his shoulder.

"Oh shit. What time is it?" He quickly pulled away to check his phone that was sitting on the bed. "I have a meeting with my boss. Don't leave, but please give me a second." He scurried over to the desk before put his hands out to stop me. I just smiled and nodded, crawling to sit on the bed but still out of view of the call. I can't even begin to express how happy I am right now.

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