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"Namjoon-ah, please!" The director shouted in exasperation.

"You can still see it?" I looked towards the others.

"How the hell are you blushing through your foundation?" Jin laughed.

"Why you're blushing so hard, is my question." Yoongi crossed his arms.

"I think they fucked." Hoseok whispered to Taehyung, who was right beside me.

"How many times are you going to say that?? It hasn't happened!"

"Yet." Jimin pursed his lips.

"Think of something else, something other than Zaina." Taehyung chuckled.

"I-I'm not thinking about her..." I crossed my arms.

"We're just going to edit it out in post. Standby!" The director shouted.


We finally finished the last scenes for today, and tomorrow we'll be filming the choreography. But the guys were annoyed with me since I had trouble keeping a straight face when the camera was on me. Until they literally threatened to not give me any solo screen time if I couldn't pull it together.

So I eventually got myself together and remembered my position in this group and how I can't let my personal life distract me like this. I'm sure Zaina would be upset to hear that I was doing bad at work because of her.

But once the filming for the day was done, we did have a little bit of gym time planned to keep us in our best shape possible for the dance filming tomorrow. But Taehyung was able to skip the work out because he was experiencing ankle pain and Jimin had to leave early to get his roots touched up, I'll be going tomorrow morning around six since those were the only times we were able to get appointments in.

After changing out of our outfits from the music videos, we head straight to the gym. They said that it would only be a 30minute session, just to warm up our bodies, but we all know we're going to be there for at least an hour.

My trainer put me on the treadmill so I put my headphones in. But I could barely hear the music over my own thoughts. God Namjoon, what the hell was that last night? You really just risked it all, just put your whole heart on the table.

But... she deserves that at least even if I can't give her the full truth. I can at least tell her how I feel about her, that's one thing that I refuse to let her get confused about. I've rarely ever been shy, like at all, ever. I've always been very strong and composed. But... her smile, her voice, the way she says my name, the way she holds herself... I'd almost say it's dominating. The women that I'm used to... are usually timid. They're the shy ones... probably because they know who I am. But she's so pronounced, her personality is powerful. She could pass as a CEO or a position that is very... intimidating.

While she's very quiet at times and she has her shy moments, she can command a room with minimal effort. She makes me shy... she's way too out of my league. Her confidence is attractive. Her diffidence is adorable.

The way that she's not afraid to force me to go to bed, and then gets all nervous when I hug her. She'll demand me to tell her the truth, and then very very softly tell me that I'm important to her.

"Ah, he can't stop smiling. This kid." I heard Hoseok laugh through a pause between my songs changing. I just tried to ignore the rest of them teasing me and kept exercising.

Ah... this feeling is completely foreign to me. But... I like to see her smile when she gets me shy. But I love how easily she gets flustered and how she just tries and fails to play it off.

The way she looks in my hoodies... I'll forever be entertained by how big they are on her. And when she still bosses me around, looking as least intimidating as she possibly could, but I can't help to follow her orders anyway.

Ah, Zaina... why do you have to leave?

"Hyung!" Someone hit my arm, making me take my headphone out. I looked over to see Tae there. "Our session ended five minutes ago, hurry up before the van leaves." He turns off my machine and we hurry out to the van.


I arrived back home, still covered in sweat and sticky. My manager wants me to stay at the dorms until promotions are over, but I don't want to leave Zaina here alone. The moment I walked through the door, I was face to face with Zaina as she had just reached the bottom of the stairs. My straight face softened at the sight of her and I slowly smiled.

"What have you been doing??" Her eyes were wide in shock. I laughed and removed my shoes at the door to start walking towards her. "Wait wait, back up!" She started walking backwards.

"I just want a hug." I chuckled.

"Dude you look like you got caught in the rain! Go shower!" She laughed, trying her best to dodge me. Eventually I cornered her and she put up her fists up to fight. "If you come any closer, you asking for these hands." She threatened. I laughed, crossed my arms and twitched an eyebrow. That seemed to instantly fluster her. "S-stop that! Don't smirk at me when you look like this!" She scolded me.

"Like what? Am I handsome?" I looked down at the rest of my body. I didn't notice that my shirt was basically stuck to my body so all of my muscles could be seen.

"I'm not answering that. Go shower, Namjoon." She pointed off in a random direction to tell me to go to a bathroom.

"I don't know, I still haven't gotten a hug yet..." I tsked and rubbed my bottom lip.

"You can get one after you shower... deal?"

"That won't do." I shook my head. "I'll take one now and then." I smiled and nodded.

"Ah, do I have to drag you to the shower too?" She whined. Aw she's so cute. She really doesn't wanna hug me when I'm sweaty, I'll definitely do this more in the future.

"If you hold my hand, I'll forget about the hug." I smiled and nodded.

"But your hands are sweaty t- ok... fine... I'll hold your hand..." She uncovered her hand from the sweater paws and slipped it into mine. A sudden wave of butterflies flooded my stomach as she lead me upstairs.

"Get clothes and go shower." She nervously looked away.

"Then hug?" I smiled.

"Then hug." She nodded and chuckled.

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