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"Is everything... okay..?" I asked the five as they walked back to the table, sitting down quietly. Their mood was completely off, they seemed almost angry.

"We're fine Zaina, thank you." Namjoon nodded with a forced smile. I glared at him, knowing that he was lying.

"Namjoon." I got up from my chair with a straight face. Everyone looked up at me as I motioned him to step away with me. He eventually sighed and followed me.


"Are you guys having an argument or something?" I asked once we were out of ear range. "I just... there's bad energy in the room, you all look angry at each other, even Hoseok and Jimin which was honestly kinda scary, and you just lied to me."

"We're not having an argument anymore, before we came in, we made an agreement. Although some of us were forced to agree with the plan because we have work tomorrow and want to enjoy our night here." He chuckled and nervously rubbed his hands together.

"You promise it's nothing more than that? I don't want to anger anyone who's already on a short fuse." I crossed my arms.

"Well... that would be me in this situation. But I could never be mad at you." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. I tilted my head, leaning closer. This smile was sincere.

"Talk to me again after they leave, please." I smiled back. He nodded and started to leave but I grabbed his wrist. "Namjoon..."

"Hm?" He looked back at me.

"You can tell me when small things like this happen. You don't gotta lie about it. I-I only asked like this because I knew that I couldn't grill the truth out of you in front of them." I giggled, making him laugh along. "But I worry about you guys too. And when you're upset, I wanna be someone you can come to. Back in America, saying this to a man would offend them, but I hope that you see that I truly want to h-" I was cut off by my face suddenly being smothered with clothing.

"Thank you, so much." One of his hands rubbed my back while the other squeezed my shoulder. "I don't want to lie... but...-"

"ZAINA!" I heard Hoseok scream. I let out a chuckle.

"Let's finish this talk after they leave. I promise." My hands rested on his sides as he stepped away from me. He smiled and nodded and we both turned around. I sped my walk to where I heard the voice come from. "HOSEOK!" I screamed back in his same tone once I found all of them in front of the tv.

"Um... can you... dance?" He looked towards me. I thought for a minute, then nodded. He got super excited and handed me a remote, and then I saw what was on the tv. Dance dance revolution.

"Cap." I laughed, all of them confused by my reaction. I've never lost one of these... these boys are in for a performance.


"She's won 3 to 2 against Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi. She's one 3 to 0 against Jin and I. And it's 2 to 2 against Hoseok. This is going to be interesting." Namjoon laughed as he recited the scoreboard.

"This is literally not fair." Jungkook pouted.

"How is it not fair??" I snapped playfully. "I'm over here baking, dancing against all of you without breaks." I leaned on my knees and tried my best to catch my breath.

"Exactly. Like how are you still winning?" He crossed his arms.

"Look here." I glared at him and he finally giggled. "If you're trying to challenge me to another round, what you're actually doing is challenging me to a fight. And you don't want this smoke." The ones that could understand 'ooh'ed at my tone and words.

"I'm sorry noona! Forgive me!" He begged through giggles, bowing multiple times from his seat. I walked over to ruffle his hair playfully.

"Did you find a song yet?" I walked back over to Hoseok who's been scrolling through the playlist this whole time.

"I want to... um max stars..." He laughed.

"Max difficulty? You guys are actually trying to kill me." I wiped sweat from my forehead. Jimin mumbled to him in Korean and he spoke back. I was able to catch a few words. I think he was asking him to take it easy. And Hoseok said that I won too much. I couldn't help but laugh, both of them turning to me in confusion. "Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop." I smiled and stepped away, walking to the kitchen to grab some water.


"Bye guys! Bye bye!" I waved to everyone as they left. Tonight was so fun, and I just knew that I'd sleep good tonight. Namjoon was doing the dishes while I walked them out. "I'm going to shower first, Namjoon!" I shouted to him as I ran up the stairs.

"Okay!" He shouted through a chuckle.

I looked through the closet for an outfit and quickly went to shower. But, the second I stepped in front of the mirror, I noticed that I had my bonnet on. And I know for a fact that I didn't put it on... did Namjoon put it on?

Once I got out of the shower, I changed into the hoodie and shorts that I selected, wearing Calvin Kleins tonight. Once I was changed, I went to look around for Namjoon, catching him walking out of the bathroom, fresh out of the shower as well. He smiled softly and he stopped ruffling the towel through his wet hair. Oh god he's so fine. It's the mf dimples goddamnit. Oooooh and the tone of his voice when talks to me. God help me.

"Thank you for putting my bonnet on for me." I smiled.

"Oh it was-"

"I might have to put a ring on that finger if you keep acting up like this." I lead the way downstairs. He just laughed behind me.

"You'd propose first? N-not to me, just... in general." He cleared up with a nervous laugh.

"I know that it's not common, but... I'm impatient." I giggled. "Besides, I don't mind making the first move, especially if I really love the person." I smiled back at him as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Have you ever loved someone that much?" We sat on the couch together, he held a pillow to his chest and I nuzzled myself into a nearby blanket.

"I don't have many positive experience with romantic relationships, so no not really. Have you?" He shook his head.

"Me neither. I'm only 25 so I'm not rushing to find my one." He smiled. The room went a little quiet as we just stared at each other.

"Do you guys have any other female friends?" He shook his head. "Why not?"

"I-It's hard to find women that are... like you, I guess. A lot of people these days are only interested in looks, or money, or status, even if it's just for a friendship... but when I met you... it was almost like you wanted nothing to do with me originally. But we've been used for our... reputations too many times."

"That's because I didn't." I laughed. "My mom taught me stranger danger, which means, don't talk to strangers. But we kept running into each other... and if I've read any book ever, you're either gonna murder me or become someone very important to me. And I'm not dead yet, so." I joked. His eyes seemed to sparkle at that.

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