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Minseong brought me back to the hotel as the guys were performing their last song and saying goodbye to their fans. Which left about 20 minutes before Namjoon gets back because if I know Namjoon, he's gonna skip the dinner they have planned. I mean after Minseong told me that they use up so much energy and burn so many calories that they eat almost five meals a day, I probably shouldn't have basically told him to skip one of his meals and insinuated that I had something better for him to eat. But, it's gonna be fine because I am providing food for him, but I need to make a quick call to Minseong first.


I heard the door beeping of someone using the key, a tired Namjoon trudging his way in, almost tripping as he left his shoes at the door.

"Welcome back." I smiled as I stood beside the bathroom. He looked up at me before walking straight up to me and basically pushing me against the wall as he wrapped both arms around my body. I wouldn't call this a hug because of how he pushed our bodies together. One of his hands was on my lower back, the other holding my waist, but both were pulling me closer to him. Meanwhile, he leaned down to nuzzle his face in my neck. I chuckled a little. My hands resting lazily on his shoulders. "A thank you would have sufficed." I joked.

"Thank you." His voice sounded deep as hell as he mumbled against my neck. He slowly pulled away, both hands now resting on my hips. "And I'm sorry."

"For?" I tilted my head.

"For that, just now. I shouldn't touch you like that." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, stepping away to leaning against the wall right in front of me.

"Why shouldn't you?" I crossed my arms.

"Because it could make you uncomfortable... since we're not together and we just saw each other again after two months and I was afraid-" I cut him off by grabbing his shirt and pulling him into me, connecting our lips. "-that you didn't like me like you used to." He whispered, finishing his sentence.

"I don't. I like you a little bit more now." I giggled. "Now come eat." I smiled and slipped out of his hands to walk to where I set up the food on a small table between two chairs.

"Eat?" He raised both brows before following me. I made jazz hands as I motioned to the food.

"You skipped dinner with the guys, right?" I asked, watching him nod as he approached the food. "I saw this Korean food place on the way to the arena, so I did some research and it looked like legit Korean food. And I've heard so much about how easily y'all get homesick. I talked to Minseong and he said that this was your favorite food so I ordered some." I explained, holding my hands in front of me.

"How much was it?" He looked up at me before sitting down.

"Just eat." I chuckled and walked to the mini fridge to grab a couple of previously prepared sodas. "It's to commemorate the first time I've attended one of your concerts." I returned to sit with him, setting a can in front of him.

"It's been the first time for a lot of things tonight." He chuckled and opened the soda.

"First time you've ever gotten jealous." I brought up with a roll to my eyes.

"Ah, don't talk about it." He covered his face and squeezed his eyes closed. "Besides, It was ridiculous to ask something like that anyway."

"Better than when you and Jungkook had Hoseok ask me if I had a boyfriend." I laughed. He cringed at his past self again. "Don't feel embarrassed Joon. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't ever admit my crush for you because I thought you were in a relationship already and I ain't wanna be a side piece." I admitted, slightly cringing at myself as well.

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