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I was struggling to sleep. Even just a little. I was going in and out of sleep just a few hours and not sleeping for a couple at a time. I checked my phone to see that it was only 1am. I just felt so guilty. I barely know these guys, I don't want to get between their friendship. It was weighing on my chest. I planned to apologize to them in the morning. To Namjoon, Jin, and Jungkook.

I rubbed my face softly and sighed. Then I heard a sound at the door. A very soft sound. It was whispering. Was it those girls again?

I quietly got out of bed ant tip toed to the door to look through the peephole. My heart nearly fell out my ass when I saw one of them holding a master key, the words written big as day in permanent marker on the card.

I grabbed my phone and went to hide in the bathroom, not knowing what was about to happen but not wanting to risk it either. What the hell do they want and why are they trying to break into my room?

And then... the door unlocked... and opened.


It's usually hard to wake me up, especially after such a hard day, but I've been keeping my ringer on lately.

The ringtone voiced into the room, and my hand blindly felt around for my phone, rubbing my eyes with the other hand. I tiredly held it up to see who's calling. But I didn't get to answer the call in time so I went to text them to call me in the morning. Then I saw:

🍍Zaina Bean🍍
2 Missed Calls
15 iMessage Texts

That number now changing to three. I was immediately awake and called her back, jumping out of bed because I knew it was serious. I put the phone on speaker as I started to change out of my pajamas. The phone finally picked up.


"Namjoon..." Her voice sounded shaky, scared. Something that I'd never heard before or thought that I'd ever hear.

"What's..." I picked up my phone to hold it to my ear and she whispered extremely softly.

"There's girls in my room... They're looking for me..."

I nearly dropped my phone. It's happening. Jimin was right, we should have brought her tonight. I walked from my room and downstairs to where I knew that Yoongi would be awake, reviewing music.

"Zaina, stay calm. Okay? I'm coming with the police, just keep quiet." My voice was deeper as I was talking softer.

"D-Don't hang up... please." She whispered.

"Of course." I walked into Yoongi's room urgently. Jungkook was in there as well, singing along to whatever Yoongi was playing on his keyboard. Jungkook looked over at me, Yoongi not batting an eyelash. "Can one of you drive me to Zaina's hotel?" Yoongi clearly heard the urgency in my tone as he finally looked over.

"What happened?" Jungkook was already up, stuffing his phone in his pocket and walking past me. Yoongi didn't need to ask any questions, I'm sure he assumed what happened.

"Let me talk to her, You call the police and tell them what you know." We switched phones as he got up and we followed Jungkook to where he was grabbing a pair of keys from the key bowl beside the door. I instantly dialed the number, my hands shaking once it started to sink in what was happening. "Zaina, it's Yoongi. We haven't met, Namjoon is calling, um police."

"What is the location of your emergency?" The operator picked up.

"1472 Goengwon, District 2. At the Sunjil Hotel. People have broken into my friend's hotel room, she's in room 414 on the 4th floor." I reported at the speed of rapping a verse. Jungkook lead the way out to the car, all of us jogging to Hoseok's car, whom was the last to come home last night.

"Dispatching officers. What's your friend's name?"

"Her name is Zaina. She's can't speak Korean very well." I hopped into the passenger seat, Yoongi in the back trying to keep her calm, and Jungkook driving.

"Did she tell you anything about the intruders?"

"She said that they were girls. I don't know how many..." The other two were surprised to hear this, immediately knowing that they were sasaeng fans, and were much more dangerous than the average intruder, purely because of their motive. "She said that they were looking for her, I think she's hiding at the moment." I spoke a little slower, starting to feel a little more scared of their intentions.

"The officers have arrived at the location, tell her that the police are there if you can."

"Hyung, tell her the police are there." I looked back at him.

"The police are.. uh there so.. don't be scared of them." It's obvious that Yoongi was really stressed to speak in English since he could usually form a sentence easily.

"She knows. Thank you so much."

"The police have entered her room. She's safe."

"Thank you, thank you." I couldn't help but smile when hearing that. The operator hung up and I switched phones with Yoongi again, seeing that both calls had ended.

"She's okay?" Jungkook looked over. I nodded quickly, and he too, let out a sigh of relief. We finally pulled up to the hotel and we all got out to run inside. At this point, I realized that we weren't wearing our disguises and we're basically just out in shirts, shorts, and sweats. We called the elevator, Jungkook tapping the button repeatedly, only for the door to open and the police to step out, holding three girls with them.

"Jungkook oppa! I knew it!"

"Namjoonie oppa, I love you!"

"Shut up!" The last girl yelled at the other two. The final officer stepped out and turned to us.

"I'm the one that called you. Thank you." I spoke and we all bowed a thank you.

"There's still officers up talking to her. Please be careful." He bowed back and quickly ran to catch up with the others. We filed into elevator, a little bit more shaken up than relieved.

"They really were sasaengs..." Jungkook hugged himself. "I'm sorry hyung, I really should have listened."

"It isn't our fault that they act that way." Yoongi sighed. "I saw the pictures of you guys walking with her last night. You honestly just looked like a group of drunk friends to me, Jungkook didn't look like he was holding her hand romantically, it looked more of a comfort gesture to me." He crossed his arms as well. I was struggling to speak, knowing that I was going to see Zaina after she just went through something traumatic, again. It scared me the last time yet she was so nonchalant, she didn't sound scared even though I could see it in her eyes. But... this time...

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