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"But the only reason we debuted was because the group that was supposed to perform cancel-" I chuckled until I felt Zaina's head fall onto my shoulder. I looked over to see that she fell asleep in the middle of my story. I smiled and looked down to see her face but accidentally knocked her glass of wine from her hand and into my lap instead.

I gasped but quickly tried to clean it up with the sleeve of my shirt. I'm so glad she's not awake to see my embarrassment, she's barely even seen how clumsy I really am. Um.. I'm only making more of a mess because now I've wet up my shirt, I gotta change my clothes.

I tried to move away but she'd fall if I did. So instead, I picked her up to put her on the bed and hurried over to my suitcase. I'm the midst, I checked my phone, as it was almost 10am.

HS: she's so cute, can we keep herrrr

TH: idk I kinda want my own gf

SJ: Namjoon already told her that she's not leaving our sight for a second after she already ran away once

YG: sounds mad obsessive

JM: I can't wait to get a girlfriend like hyung, it must be nice to have someone else in your bed that isn't another man

JK: I can be whatever you want me to be

HS: I mean no matter how much I also want a girlfriend, I don't think I'd be able to handle myself if people talked shit about her

SJ: yeah, Namjoon's passive aggressive ass

I'm right here

TH: there he is!

JM: how's our girl?

YG: y'all are soo ugly

She's fine

Just don't call her weird, she's on her cycle

JK: what's a cycle

HS: like her menstrual cycle, right? My sister had one of those


TH: had?? What happened to it??

JK: that doesn't answer my question

JM: it means that she bleeds once a month and has mood swings and intense hormones and stuff

TH: how do you know that?

JM: I was dating this girl once and she got unbelievably horny once a month

JM: 'twas a dream, my dudes

HS: umm, TMI..?

JK: shhh

JK: go on, hyung

YG: anyway, I'm going to a convenience store, does Zaina need anything?

SJ: you never ask us if we need anything

YG: bc I don't care

I think she's fine, thanks hyung

YG: I'll get her something anyway

I put my phone down to grab a change of clothes. I might as well go with him. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my skin care and then change into some khaki shorts, a shirt, and a flannel.

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