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"This character makes the 'ng' sound. Usually when a word doesn't have a first character, it'll just be this one and a vowel character." Namjoon explained as he drew it out on his iPad. "How are you doing so far?" He asked as I took notes in a notebook he gave me.

"Feels like I'm back in high school." I chuckled.

"We'll since that's the last one. Let's take a break, and then a quick test."

"A break?" I put the notebook to the side.

"Yeah, let's take an hour. Are you hungry? Tired?" He checked his watch.

"Starving, my guy." I laughed. He handed me the menu near the phone as he wrote more into his iPad. "A cheeseburger and bacon cheese fries sound fire." I took in a breath. He leaned over to pick up the phone and dial for room service, putting in my order and a drink. I was smiling when he turned back around and put the phone down. "Thanks Joon, I'll get over this anxiety eventually, I'm really working against it."

"It's a piece of your personality, it'll be extremely difficult to change. I don't mind it much, honestly I think it's cute." He chuckled. "But Jungkook used to be the same way. Back when he first met us, he didn't even shower until we were all sleeping. But with time he's become a more comfortable and confident person, though he still gets shy at times and struggles to make phone calls."

"So that's why he likes me. He thinks I'll make phone calls for him."

"Well being his manager, it's apart of your job to handle his business." My eyes widened after he said that. I don't even answer my own damn phone unless I know who's calling or someone is supposed to be calling. "Relax." He put his hands on my shoulders. "Once you know enough Korean to communicate, you'll be a lot less anxious, trust me."

"How can you be so sure? I suck ass at phone calls in English too."

"Because you'll be too busy hearing all of your coworkers go on about how beautiful you are to feel like you're being judged. For instance, the Korean word for pretty is 예쁜. It's spelled like this." He wrote it on his iPad. "You're likely to hear it with a 다 at the end, in which the word turns to beautiful." He wrote that on as well, pointing to it with the pen. "It'll sound like 예쁘다 instead of 예쁜. Another word should should learn is 너무. It means very or really or is meant to enhance. So you could be walking past and hear someone say 그것 여자가 너무 예쁘다. Which translates to, that woman is so beautiful."

"The word is baked into my memory now." I chuckled, trying to hide my embarrassment after he just called me beautiful that many times.

"I should be teaching you the basics first. But since we're still on our break, you can get a few bonus phrases in."

"What else you got for me?" I smiled a leaned forward in anticipation.

"그건 내 남자친구야." He smiled, looking back down at his iPad as he started to write.

"Which means?" He turned his tablet around, revealing the translation.

"That's my boyfriend." He even drew an arrow pointing to himself next to it. He looked very proud of himself.

"And how do you say, that's not my boyfriend?" I chuckled.

"그거 내 남자친구 아니야." He pouted and he wrote the same phrase on his iPad and turned it around to reveal the spelling, translation, and a sad face. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

"Minseong is gonna be so impressed when I say that." I chuckled as I copied down the phrase into the notebook.

"Ah, Minseong would make the whole staff tease me until the end of time." He ruffled his hair and put the iPad down.

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