77 (15+)

905 39 2


Woo! It's hot as a mf! Damn!

I woke up from my sleep from the heat alone. I sat up on my knees to fan myself more comfortably seeing at I was previously sleeping on my stomach. It was pitch black so I couldn't even see where Namjoon was, but I'm baking in here.

"Zaina?" A breathy, yet sleepy voice mumbled into the dark.

"Namjoon, where you at? It's hot as hell." I panted, fluffing my shirt to get some ventilation going.

"Right here." I felt his hands on my thighs, slowly crawling up my hips to settle on my waist. Wait a damn minute. I searched frantically for my phone, finding it and immediately turning on the flashlight.

"What the hell?" I confusedly looked down at the man as he was apparently right below me. Then I let the flashlight drop a little more, showing me that I was straddling his hips, more so his dick but I prefer to not think of that. "Oh my g-!" I hurried tried to get up but the fabric of my shorts got caught on one of the buttons on his shirt, making me sit back down as not to ruin his shirt so I could fix it.

"Do you have to get up?" I looked up to see his grin.

"So it was you that put me here." I glared at him, a squint to my eye.

"You put you there. You said no cuddling, then cuddled me instead. And then you started heating me up like a rotisserie chicken and so I tried to get up to turn up the ac, but you just pulled me down, laid on top of me, and told me to stay."

"W-what?" My eyes were soft as I listened to his timeline. "But..." I looked down at where I was straddling his hips.

"I don't know about this. I guess you did it in your sleep. But I think it's comfortable." He smiled up at me, both of his hands resting on my thighs.

"Of course you do." I jokingly hit his arm. "Do I have any other sleeping habits I should know about?" I mumbled and continued to untangle our clothing.

"Not as far as I know. I only woke up because when you were fanning yourself, your body moved so your hips moved, back and forth on my..." He answered cheekily, one of his hands holding my hip gently.

"I get it." I looked away out of embarrassment.

"You don't have to feel nervous, I really like this." He assured me, softly rubbing my back.

"Why wouldn't I be nervous? I'm sitting on your.... lap." I avoided using a certain word.

"Because you haven't done anything wrong by doing it. And I really like it. You feel really warm so you must like it too." He smirked, winking. I immediately looked away. A small part of me did like to sit on his lap, but a large part didn't want this to lead to anything. "Nothings gonna come of this, you're just sitting there, that's it." He smiled. There he goes, reading my mind again.

"Fine. But if I end up wanting to move, I get to move."

"Deal." He nodded. I finally got our clothes untangled, just for Namjoon's hand to oh so softly push my back down until I was laying on his chest. This lead to both arms wrapping around my waist. "Nothings gonna come of this, huh?" I raised a brow as I could already feel something hard pressed against my stomach.

"That wasn't on purpose, I promise." His eyes squeezed shut as he cringed. "I really can't control it."

"I guess it can't be helped then." I smirked and sat back on his lap, letting my fingers teasingly trace the waistband of his pants. I couldn't see his face through the pitch black darkness, but I could hear his breath hitch then quiver. I looped my fingers under the waistband and started to pull it down, interrupting myself with a yawn. "Actually, I think I might head to bed." I couldn't even tease him without laughing through it, giggling myself off of his lap and onto my back. I was laughing it up until I felt him move around on the bed until I could feel his body heat between my legs. I couldn't help but hold my breath as he very slowly crawled up and hovered over my body until he was right beside my ear.

"Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be going back sleep tonight." His deep voice mumbled.

"Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do to help you. All I can offer is kisses, everything else is to be determined." I giggled.

"I'll take it." Was the only thing I heard before he turned my head and kissed me. It was a very slow kiss, less heat of the moment than the previous ones. He held a hand on my cheek while his other hand brought one of my legs up to frame his hips. My arms linked around his shoulders, one tangling in his hair while the other tried it's best to pull him closer and closer to me.

At this point, the air was starting to get warm as the sexual tension between us finally felt like it was being aired out. My fingers clawed at his shirt while his nails dug into my thigh. It was clear as day that this wasn't gonna end with just a kiss and cuddle if it continued. My mind knows that I needed to stop, but I just couldn't draw my hands away, or release from where my legs locked him in, pushing him against me. I felt frozen in lust, just wanting more.

"I think that's enough, don't you?" He hovered over my face with a smirk.

"That wasn't even teasing, that was torture." I whined.

"I know, me too. The only places you let me touch are same places that everyone else can touch. I think I deserve special treatment." He smirked.

"I think you need to be patient." I chuckled back.

"Patience is my middle na-" He tried to get up, surprised to see that my legs were still locked around his hips. "Oh?" He raised a brow at me. "What's going on here?"

"Nothin." I turned my head. He then tried to pull my legs off, resulting in me strengthening them and pushing his hips even more into mine. At this point, I could feel it as it twitched against me.

"Zaina please, I need to use the bathroom." He frantically begged, tapping my legs in hopes to get them to let him go. I rolled my eyes and dropped my legs, listening to him crawl off the bed and his footsteps depart, hearing him crash into multiple different objects. I giggled to myself slightly, taking this time to get out of bed and change my pajama shorts as there was now a wet spot in these. I turned a lamp on as I dug through my suitcase, putting on another pair or shorts just as Namjoon left the bathroom, his face a little flustered as he smiled at me.

"O-oh..." I sucked in my lips when I saw his pants. An identical wet spot was soaked into his pants, right on his-

"What? Is something wrong?" He looked over himself until he saw it as well. "How did this happen?"

"S-sorry." I chuckled awkwardly and tucked my shorts into my used clothes pile in my suitcase. He looked to me, noticed my change of clothes, then where the spot was located as well as the shape correlated to what just happened, and he understood where it came from.

"Ohh. Don't apologize. Technically, it's my fault." He smugly pointed to himself. I turned the light off and punched his arms as I walked past him to get back into bed.

"Don't rub it in." I mumbled, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. But you're the one woman I can pride myself on turning on. Because I never thought it would happen." He laughed, getting in on the other side.

"I said don't rub it in." I nudge him with a glare.

"Z, don't be like that." He hugged my shoulders, turning me to face him. I pouted up at him, earning a deep dimpled smile in return.

"You're dumb, you know that?" A smile grew on my lips.

"You're the first to ever say so, so no I didn't."

"Cocky as fuck, I'm not talking Megan."

"I managed to attract you, of course I'm cocky." He snickered.

"Shut up." I chuckled, smacking his chest. "Tryna swoon me so you won't catch this smoke, you not slick Joon." He pursed his lips. "Busted." I whispered in the same tone as he did earlier. He rolled his eyes, leaning over to plant a sweet kiss on my cheek.

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