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"Thank you for talking things over with us." Namjoon spoke from inside the bathroom where he was changing clothes. We were going out to lunch before they go to rehearsal for the concert tonight. "You didn't have to explain yourself or even give us a second chance. But thank you for doing so."

"I gave them a second chance. You're a different story, mister." I joked as I looked through my suitcase for something to wear.

"Wait, what?" His head poked out of the door to look at me.

"I'm just playing, Joo. Why would I share a bed with a man I don't trust?" I rolled my eyes playfully. He did that spray bottle laugh thing and went back into the bathroom to finish changing. "I'm sure you guys have too much on your plates for stress about me to be put on there too. Part of me understands why you did it, part of me refuses to give you excuses. But if I was in your shoes and met a man that I really liked but he didn't know I was a global celebrity, I'd try to protect him too." I mumbled out the last sentence until Namjoon walked out of the bathroom to put his used clothes away and sit on the bed in front of me, on the other side of my suitcase.

"You'd protect me?"

"Bold of you to assume you'd be the man." I chuckled, setting a pair of jeans to the side and looking for a shirt.

"Remember what you said many months ago? We've ran into each other way too many times and it could only mean two things. Either we're important to each other or someone's a murderer. And we're both still alive, so?"

"So..?" I shyly avoided eye contact.

"So if I wasn't the man, I would be eventually." The confidence radiating from this man. "I'm sure that fate bought us together. And even in an opposite dimension, we'd still meet."

"I'm gonna go change." I scooted off the bed with my outfit in my hands, scurrying to the bathroom.


Namjoon gave me sunglasses and a mask to help disguise my face, even though he wasn't wearing anything when he's the famous one. But I followed him out of the hotel room and to the elevator where Tae and Jimin were already waiting for it.

"Why am I the only one with a disguise?" I looked over my sunglasses at their bare faces with squinty eyes.

"We're not putting you in the media any further." Namjoon responded.

"Protect." Taehyung smiled with a nod.

"Right, we're trying to protect you." Namjoon agreed while Jimin nodded along.

"If I wasn't black, I'd be blushing." I laughed and playfully nudged Jimin's shoulder since he was standing closest to me. Namjoon chuckled but then spoke in Korean, translating. The elevator finally opened and the four of us stepped in.

I spent the next 10 seconds scrolling through my phone while Jimin and Tae playfully teased each other and Namjoon watched the floors tick down. Then the doors finally opened. Namjoon walked out first, Tae and Jimin instructing me to follow him before following me. The rest of the guys were already waiting there since they just blended into this circle around me out of nowhere. The air started to feel a little warmer, and that's when I saw an extra barrier of big buff guys on the other side of the boys.


People knows that she exists, but to protect her image from paparazzi and from her name being officially associated with us, we want to hide her. We decided this as a group.

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