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It's been two weeks after they dragged me out of my room. It was time for our next album. The production team and Yoongi and I have already started brainstorming and sharing ideas and themes for the for coming album.

I've been struggling to get out of my head but have been managing, unfortunately now that it's time for a new album, I'll have nothing to do but think.

It's already been a month and a half and I still miss her. I still see her smile every time I close my eyes. The room that she slept in still smells like her, mainly because I haven't been in there since the day she left. I just took out all my plants and left the room alone.

I've been doing my best to put my emotions to the side for Army and my members. I don't have time to be stuck in bed when I have such an important role to fulfill.

"What do you think, Namjoon?" The producer turned around in his chair after playing beats to encourage lyric creation around a theme.

"They're a little too... pop-y, than what we've ever released before." I commented.

"Didn't you hear him earlier? Ed Sheeran is working with us on this song." Hoseok tapped my shoulder.

"Really? How exciting." I smiled with tiny claps.

"Joon-ah, you seem distracted." The producer commented.

"I didn't eat breakfast this morning because I slept in my studio last night. I'm a little hungry." I mumbled.

"I'll order some pizzas." Hoseok smiled and took out his phone.

"Text the group chat and tell them that I said for no one to touch the pizzas until you eat first." Yoongi looked at me.

"Why do they have to wait?"

"Because I told them to. When Jimin spends the night in the practice room, we wait for him to eat first before we do because it's his first time eating. It's called common decency Namjoon." Yoongi glared at me. Hoseok started laughing.

"Hyung~ you seem angry today."

"I'm not angry. It's just been a long day." He sighed. I stood up from my chair and tucked my phone in my pocket.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee." I mumbled and left the room. I sighed as I rounded the corner where the coffee machine was. Jungkook and Jin were there already, Jungkook with a cup in his hand while Jin just joking with him.

"Did you guys come up with a genre for our single yet?" Jin looked to me.

"I don't think so. I just had to get out of there, the tension was too thick." I pushed my hair back and picked up a paper cup.

"I know how you feel, hyung. I'm struggling to focus on notes these days too. It's not a recording session until Yoongi hyung is yelling at me to concentrate." Jungkook chuckled softly.

"He seemed just as mad at me, just now." I crossed my arms and waited for the coffee machine.

"Of course he is, it's time for our comeback and you two are too distracted to be our leader and center. It's okay to miss someone-"

"It feels less like 'I miss her' and more like 'she broke up with me and then left the country'." I commented.

"That's probably because, that's exactly what happened." Jin laughed.

"I still miss her, but I'll always have Army so I can get past this feeling." Jungkook chuckled before taking another sip of his coffee.

"You guys are acting like we're never gonna see her again." Jin rolled his eyes.

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