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"Get up girl." My mom bursted into my room, turning on my light and leaving the door open. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, shielding them from the light as I glared at her. "Don't look at me like that, you the one with a flight leaving in 2 hours." She tsk'd.

"2 hours?!" I jumped up in bed and she just shook her head at me as I ran from the room. I ran straight to my bathroom to put in my contact lenses, washing my face and brushing my teeth after that. I didn't put on any make up since I'd be on a plane for like 15 hours and just applied my skin care routine instead. I took off my bonnet which was protecting my hair and threw it somewhere random. I was supposed to have a bomb hair day today, I deep conditioned last night and everything.

I still took my time to untwist my two strand twists so that I could look somewhat presentable today. Maybe I should sleep on the plane so I won't get jet lagged. It's morning now so it'll be just starting the next day when I get there. I quickly retrieved my bonnet to put back on on the plane then went to my closet for an outfit.

I put on a red knitted skin tight crop top and some black high waisted joggers with some black nike airs.

"You bet' not bring home no lil boys when you come back Zaina. You leave them lil Koreans over there." My mom joked once I was dressed.

"I know mama. I'm still in college, I don't have time for relationships." I added as I reached behind my bedroom door to get my black cropped jean jacket.

"That's right. Call me when you get on the flight okay? And when you get there." She approached me as I picked up the handle of my suitcase. I hugged her tight and smiled into her shoulder.

"Of course mama, I'd never forget." And I walked back to get my suitcase and back pack.

"Good, and remember what I said about them boys. Don't let them get you pregnant, korean men are known for that, these girls say it all the time." She shook a parental finger at me. "Did you pack your lotion? I hear it's colder over there, you can't be walking around looking like pure ash."

"You didn't have to come for me like that though." I chuckled and I left my room to start for the front door.

"Makayla gonna be so upset when she come back from your granny's house, you know?" She asked, referring to my 10 year old sister.

"I know, that's why I wanted her to go over there in the first place, otherwise she woulda squeezed into my suitcase somehow." I shrugged.

"Why you walking so fast, I won't see you for a whole two weeks. Don't you want to spend some time with me?"

"I know you're trying to stall mama, but you know that I love traveling. When I come back home we can spend all the time in the word together." I turned around and smiled.

"Okay, remember that I love you."

"I love you too."

"Have a safe trip Zaina."

"Thank you mama." I finally left the house and rushed for my car. I am so glad that I told her that my plane would be taking off two hours before my actual plane would be taking off. I knew she would do something like this.

I packed my stuff into my car and quickly got in and drove to the airport. The drive was pretty far since I live a while away from the city where the airport is. But the ideas of what I could do when I get to Jeju we're running my mind wild. I did my research about Korean culture so that I wouldn't accidentally disrespect anyone. I learned a few of the everyday used words, hello, I'm sorry, how much is this? Stuff like that.

I arrived at the airport sooner than later and parked my car in a parking lot so that it would be there when I returned. I got my stuff out and locked it, then scurried into airport so I could hurry through security check.

"Ma'am, could you open your suitcase please?" The officer asked. I was tired and agitated, I didn't need the process to be any longer. I picked up my suitcase and put it on the metal table, unzipping it.

"What about it?" I crossed my arms and shrugged.

"You aren't allowed to bring large store sized bottles, please remove them." He sighed.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"If you want to bring shampoos and conditioners, please buy travel sized bottles."

"You want me to just throw away my Aussie moist?! Do you see how thick my hair is?! A travel sized bottle is literally a 4th if my head! I don't have money for that when I can just pack a $6 large bottle with 32 fluid ounces! Do you know the struggles of curly girls when it comes to moisture?!" I snapped at him.

"Miss please calm down or you'll be asked to leave."

Within and hour, I was through security and was waiting for my plane without my conditioner. Since I woke up at 6am for this plane, I was still fairly tired so I decided to set my bag in the next seat over and lean on it and grab a few minutes of sleep since my flight is supposed to be here in a couple hours.

>>> Fourteen hours later<<<

I removed my eye mask and neck pillow, and rose from my seat to reach above and get my back pack. I handled this a lot better than I thought I would for my first flight, but I'm just glad it's over. I shimmied my way into the aisle and slung my bag over my shoulder while I walked from the plane.

The first thing I noticed was how congested my lungs felt, it was almost hard to breath with all of he pollution that was stereotypical of Asian countries.

"Welcome to Incheon." A woman smiled as we left the loading dock. I smiled back and thanked her as I kept walking around. Wait, what did she just say? Incheon? I looked around, my mind not being able to comprehend that I was on the complete opposite side of the world right now. But I was supposed to be a little lower, in Jeju.

I mean I'm not upset, I might not be in Jeju but it's easy to get to Jeju from here, since I'm only in the motherland. The next thing I knew, a girl had screamed beside me and I flinched so hard, I almost lost my hair. She ran past me and straight to a crowd of other girls that were all lined up.

"What the hell?" I sighed, is this a normal thing around here? I just shook my head and kept walking. That crowd was going crazy and the airport was full of screams. The only thing that could mean was that there was a fight, well at least where I come from.

But I tried to get out of there as soon as possible to prevent a headache that was bound to happen either way. I dont even know where I am, but i have two weeks to learn. I tucked my headphones in a little better to drown out the screaming and looked to my phone for a new song as I walked to baggage claim. Please Usher, give me strength.

I grabbed my blue suitcase once seeing it and started for security to get my passport checked and stuff. Once I was done with that, I quickly tried to leave, especially since that crowd was moving. It really looked like a fight was going on, people were getting pushed back, a lot of camera flashes were happening. It was crazy. I was too busy observing to realize that the crowd was heading towards baggage claim as well. And within a few seconds, I was knocked to the floor and the camera flashes were on me. How the hell..-

"Are you okay?" A man asked in Korean. That and a few other things was all I knew. But I was pissed. If I knew Koreans were like this, I wouldn't have come here, but I came for the sights not the people. I sighed anyway and got up and brushed myself off. The girls were going crazy around him, he must be famous or something.

Whatever, none of my damn business. I picked up my bag and suitcase and continued on my way out of the door.

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