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We finished up the last of our meals and drinks and now just sat and talked for a while.

"Yeah, I do work tomorrow. Not that early in the morning so I can stay out later tonight. And the schedule won't be too harsh because we just finished a huge project. But don't worry, I'll be fine." Namjoon smiled and nodded.

"You better be. And even after I leave, don't get sad. Still perform your best, present your best Namjoon." I encouraged. He blinked a couple times and thought about something.

"Y-yeah... I'll do my best. Sorry, the uh sentence structure confused me a little." He scratched the back of his head and looked away. He's lying again, but I won't bring it up.

"I'll speak clearer. I just don't want you to fall behind or miss out on life because you're sad. Ya know?"

"I understand. I hope I don't get that sad, the guys on the other hand... although we are professionals, our emotions show in our work. If it's left unexplained, it can cause a... turmoil." He looked for the word before snapping his gaze to me. "I don't want you to get sad either. You should study hard, don't let your emotions drag you down."

"I'll do my best too. I've had the best time with you guys, but knowing that we'll keep in contact is what's making me be ok with leaving." I admitted softly.

"I'm just glad we met to begin with. I'm glad we switched suitcases and that my brothers kept bothering you. I promise that i didn't tell them to do that just so I can get close to you, they're just really weird guys." He chuckled.

"Remember when we ate lunch in my hotel room?" He nodded quickly, a smile growing on his face. "I think that was when I started to become interested in you." I admitted.

"You're interested in me??" He was honestly shocked as if we weren't on a date right now.

"I wouldn't have stayed this long if I wasn't." I shrugged with a chuckle.

"That's relieving. Because I was interested in you after our first meeting." He nervously looked away. "Work is usually so time and energy consuming that we just don't date because we don't have time for it. But..." he looked down to cringe out a chuckle. "I couldn't pull away from you. Ah it's so weird to say out loud." He quickly hid his face behind his hands. I could only watch his shyness. How did I get so lucky? "Hey... Zaina..?" He nervously but his lip.

"Yeah?" I blinked myself out my fond gaze. He looked to the side and reached for something. I followed his gaze as he slowly put something on the table and slid it over to me, hidden under his hand. He had a nervous look in his eyes as he met mine.

"I um... b-before you leave... I wanted to give you something..." He lifted his hand to show me a black square box on the table.

"You didn't have to get me anything..." A shy smile crept onto my face as I reached for the box.

"I don't want you to open it until you're back home." He scratched the back of his head and looked at the table. "It has something in it that you won't understand... until then..." His eyes hesitantly met mine.

"Well... thank you Namjoon." I chuckled as I took the box in my hand to put In my purse.

"I just... what's in the box will answer any questions you have or had." He nervously chuckled. "It's something that I've been wanting to give you for a long time, something that you deserve to have." Although he was trying to stay strong and confident, giving me this box caused his posture to sink and his face to express uncertainty. He seemed almost scared to give me the box.

"Thank you. I'll put it in my suitcase tonight so I don't forget it." I assured. He nodded and compressed his lips.

"I just wanted to give that to you before we went home. I thought this was a better setting." He chuckled. He's so adorable.

"Can we split the bill?" I asked, already digging through my purse for my wallet.

"I covered it already. Let's just go." He smiled as he got up from the chair and put out a hand for me to take.

"When did you pay for it? No one brought a bill over." I looked up at him in confusion.

"I come here often so they just take it from my card at this point." He shrugged playfully. I thought about it but finally grabbed my stuff and took his hand.

He typed into his phone before he smiled and lead me to the exit. There was a car outside, in which Namjoon opened the backseat door for me before jogging around to get to the other side.

Jimin looked back at us from the driver seat, a smirk on his cheeks as he raised his brows at Namjoon and mumbled something to him.


"You still have a boner, hyung." Jimin smirked.

"Ah just take us home." I groaned with an embarrassed chuckle, discreetly setting my bag on my lap.

"Hi Zaina. Was... good?" Jimin smiled to her next before he turned back around to finally drive us home.

"The date?" She giggled. My eyes watched her, falling to her lips subconsciously, tuning out anything she was saying from how hypnotizing she was. God, she's gorgeous. And she called this a date? She really agreed to this while thinking of it as a date? We actually... I just went on a date with Zaina. Holy fuck.

"Namjoon? Hellooo?" Zaina laughed as she snapped her fingers in my face.

"Huh?" My dazed eyes finally left her lips to meet her eyes.

"Jimin and I been talking this whole time. You ain't say nothing, I thought you fell asleep." She chuckled and crossed her arms. I love the way she talks, the accent, the lingo...

"Sorry, was just thinking about something." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "What are we talking about?"


Namjoon's being way too obvious. He's been holding his bag on his lap and staring at my lips for the last two minutes. Of course it's dark in the car and so I'm sure he assumed that I couldn't see his eyes as he watched me speak but the car had a touch screen console that illuminated the interior, as well as the passing street lights. It confirmed that he was dazed out when I openly asked Jimin if Namjoon usually zones out while watching your lips, and Joon had no reaction.

"Not really." Jimin answered simply. "The floor. Most of the... time. Why?"

"Guy is gone, Jimothy." I laughed. Jimin was a mixed of confused, shocked and cracking the fuck up. "Forreal! He ain't blinked in some minutes."

"Jimothy..." He stopped at a stop light as he threw himself onto the wheel a fit of laughter. "제이나가 너무 재미있어요. 나 지금 짐오티이야. 고마워요 제이나." (T: Zaina's so much fun. I'm Jimothy now. Thank you Zaina.)

I couldn't understand what he was saying but I recognized my name and that he was cracking up at Jimothy. If they're going to come to visit me at my place and they run into my xenophobic ass cousins, nicknames will help them get by. I looked over at Namjoon as Jimin was trying to catch his breath.

"Namjoon?" I leaned towards him a little. "Do you sleep with your eyes open?" I laughed as I raised my hand to snap my fingers in front of his face. "Namjoon? Hellooo?" He finally came to, a pink tint to his tanned cheeks that only showed under passing street lights.

"Huh?" He looked up at my eyes. His eyes were very soft and warm. I found my eyes falling to his lips for just a few seconds. I've known him for such a small time but...

Hey, so from this chapter on, there's little specks of Korean scattered about so let me know if you want me to put translations after the phrase or if you want me to translate it in the comments or don't translate it at all? It's originally not translated at all because Zaina, the main character who we see life through, doesn't speak Korean so she wouldn't automatically know what they're saying and I did it for immersion lol. But if the majority wants translations, then I'd be happy to provide them😌 also if any native or fluent Korean speakers see any errors in my grammar or vocabulary or want to translate the phrase for me, don't be afraid to do as you feel necessary 😊

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