Chapter 1: Dare tteok take a bet?

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"Let's break up." The sound of silverware clinked as it came in contact with the worn-down asphalt pavement. A trembling hand reaches out to retrieve it, followed by trickle of tears washing away the Tteok-bokki sauce on the chopsticks. Gripping it tightly, she punctured the poor innocent plastic foldable table as she questioned in a quivering voice, "Why?"

'It's not you, it's me.' The chef mouthed as she skilfully stirred a scoop full of thick red sauce in the large tin containers filled with tteok-bokki, eggs, fish cakes, and more. True enough, the author who initiated the breakup repeated after the chef mouthed those lines as if everything is predestined.

"Psst... Byulyi!" A voice whispered loud enough for the chef to hear.

"What? More tteok-bokki? Hyejin-sshi, you need to pay up your tab before you order more." Byulyi said, as she continued to stir the sauce evenly and took a teaspoon to taste it. Smacking her lips in delight she smiled in satisfaction with her cooking.

Her momentary euphoria didn't last long when the same voice persists to bug her, "Psst... Byulyi...!"

"What?!" She replied in an annoyed tone, finally facing Hyejin after turning the gas down to low heat.

"Shhh... Quiet down you doofus! Can't you read the mood?... Anyway, wanna bet?"

Byulyi sighed in resignation to her childhood friend's daily gamble, she leaned towards the side of the kitchen where Hyejin always sit and whispered, "You lost every single time... Your debts are adding up, you should give up betting with me. Are you a gambling addict?"

"Ya! Today might be the day I win! I mean look at the lady... Did you see how she punctured that table?"

"I know... There goes my earning for this evening. Aish! I will ask them to compensate me later."

"That's not the point! Okay, okay... I bet-"

"She will ask him if he ever loved her and bawl her mascara out like No-Face from Spirited Away" Byulyi chuckled but she answered in confidence, as if she is the narrator of the whole drama scenario playing on repeat.

"Nah... I'll bet she will beat him up!" Hyejin declared, excitedly punching the air hoping the scene would play out the way she imagined, "If I win, you will treat me to a year worth of gopchang. Deal?"

"Aish... Ya! You ate here all your life free of charge and you haven't paid a single cent!" Byulyi yelled out as she held up the wooden spatula in her hand, ready to hit Hyejin with it but froze after realising she's the centre of attention, "Ah... ahahaha... Sorry, please enjoy your meal..." she laughed awkwardly while bowing to the diners.

Hyejin attempted to mask her laughter, but immediately came to a complete silence when Byulyi threatened to hit her again unbeknownst to the diners who has returned to their mealtime, "If you lose, just pay your tabs for all the tteok-bokki you ate here since god-knows-when."

"Ha! You don't keep track-"

"₩619,000... You ate 300 portions of tteok-bokki & 38 eggs last year. How about paying off that debt first." Byulyi unveiled a scroll of receipt rolling down all the way to the floor.

"What?! How can that be? Who can eat that much-" Hyejin tried to deny but she was proved guilty when Byulyi pointed at the Tteok-bokki plates stacked up as if she is dining in a sushi train restaurant. To hide her embarrassment, she cleared her throat and agreed, "Fine, deal.... Shh! They're gonna do something... Look!" Hyejin pointed at the couple earlier.

The man took one final shot of soju and gently place it on the table. His eyes remained focused on the glass, avoiding any eye contact with his girl- ex-girlfriend. There was a slight screeching sound of his chair as he gets up slowly, while Byulyi and Hyejin watches them closely.

'Beat him! Beat that lil wanker! Punish his puny coward ass for dumping you in a tteok-bokki place on a beautiful evening like this! KILL HIM!' Hyejin thought to herself, but her fists couldn't contain itself punching the air, in hope to encourage the fight to break out. Byulyi smirked at her silly friend's desperate act to win.

The man was about to leave as he turn his body, his ex-girlfriend stood up and remove the same chopstick she used to stab the table. Byulyi feel a little flustered when she saw the scene was not playing the usual routine. Hyejin's face lit up in exhilaration, 'YAS! STAB HIM! RIGHT UP HIS ASS! I'M GONNA HAVE GOPCHANG AND BE DEBT FREE-'


'Oh nonono... Don't you dare cry, lady! Chopsticks are in your hands! STAB HIM!'

The lady gulped a sobbing hiccups and let her tears of sorrow flow, successfully smeared her mascara down her pretty face. Byulyi smiled in delight clenching a victorious fist when the lady finally played her role saying, "Did you... Ever love me?" she sobbed.

"I'm sorry... Let's not keep in touch either. Thank you for everything, goodbye." The man said, fleeing the scene leaving her to cry in a standing position.

"Ya... See what I told you?" Byulyi turned to Hyejin who replied to her with a gust of wind emitted from her usual dine-n-dash shenanigan, "Aish...! I knew this would happen, every single damn time!" She shook her head and cleared Hyejin's table.

"One soju please!" A familiar voice called out.




(End of Chapter 1)

***NOTICE*** I've recently changed my pen-name from 'moonbyulsoultwinsis' to 'WolfByulJ' just to KISS (Keep It Short & Simple) :3 ehe!

Thank you for reading and supporting my stories, I hope you look forward to this story as much as I do. I'm still completing 'Against All Odds', appreciate your time if you can read that as well ^^. Take care <3 !

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