Chapter 30 : MAMAMOO to Tteok Rescue!

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Goong-Min looked even more flustered when those customers started taking pictures with food from his rival and uploaded it to the app, casting their votes. Angered by the scene, he called his floor manager behind the food truck and grabbed him by the collar, "Why are there not a single soul inside this food truck?! Do your goddamn job properly!"

"C-Chef... We don't know what happened either." The manager whimpered in fear.

"Then go find out, you useless wimp!" he released his collar, and the manager quickly gathered all the staff members to actively 'steal' the customers away with their aggressive promotion yelling out, "Welcome! Step right up! Because this is the only chance you can try a 3 Michelin Star restaurant, all for free! Limited time only, we also offer wine and coffee!"

Despite what they do, be it constantly yelling out lucrative deals or handing out flyers, the line in Tteok Tokki doesn't budge at all. While the lines may be long, but it's also moving very fast. They're doing so well for a team of only 5 ladies – Wendy and Wheein ushered the crowd, handing them hot beverage while they wait in line, Yongsun takes the order, Byulyi prepares the food, delivering it at a consistent pace, without losing any speed, Hyejin torches the cheese and scrape it over the tteok-burger to finish it off.

Goong-Min had finally lost all his patience and approached the crowd directly. He found a target and approached a group of female teenagers in school uniform, "I feel sorry for you, it's so cold today, a fine maiden like yourself don't deserve to wait in the cold. Why don't I serve you princesses something warm at Min Bouche?"

"Daebak... It's Chef Min!!! Eeek he's so handsome! Can I get a photo with you and autograph please?" one of the students shrieked.

He took this opportunity to draw them in with one final tug, "Only if you come over and dine." Said Goong-Min with a wink. Although they were initially fangirling and shrieking in excitement, it quickly died down when they droop their head apologetically, "We're sorry, Chef. As much as we love to try, but today is Friday and we're on the way to school. I believe the people in line here agrees that we're here because it's quick and convenient."

Hearing their explanation makes perfect sense, he looked at the line and noticed they were constantly looking at their watches or the clock displayed on their phone, in a hurry to get to the next destination. When he recalled what Byulyi said earlier, "you don't know what it means to run a food truck" he gritted his teeth angrily, even if he fakes his smile, there's no way to mask his frustration in this situation.

"Fast and convenient, huh? It all makes sense now... these people don't have the time to sit down and enjoy. It's okay, enjoy it while it last because when the night falls and especially the next two days are weekend, I'd like to see how many more office workers and students you can offer to." Goong-Min thought to himself, regaining his confidence and composure. Throughout the day he sat idly, enjoying several cups of coffee.

Hours passed by and the sun has finally set, Goong-Min got up from his seat and ordered his employees to get ready for the dinner rush. The feedback from the students earlier was indeed accurate when lines start to form in front of Min Bouche. Exhausted from school and work, they returned to reward themselves by indulging on 3 Michelin Star dishes.

Min Bouche performed equally as Tteok Tokki was during the day, lines were long, but they were also moving fast despite people taking the time to dine in and enjoy. Goong-Min had a smug smile on his face, but he'd be lying if he wasn't bothered by the fact that Tteok Tokki had operated all day, yet they neither look tired nor ran out of ingredients, he knew he had underestimated them. He had this uneasy feeling when he saw Byulyi wasn't flustered even though no one is queueing in front of Tteok Tokki, but his nightmare came sooner than he thought.

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