Chapter 26: Tteokditional Market

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The tent bar is not empty, but the tranquil area seems like silence before storm. Everyone is crunching and squeezing every ounce of creativity juice out of their brain cells. Amongst all, Byulyi was the only one who had her eyes closed this whole time.

Slowly opening her eyes, she looked at her watch and said, "We are going nowhere at this rate. You should all head back home and rest, then we'll regroup again."

"But Byulyi... The competition is in three days' time, are you sure you can afford to waste a minute?" said Eric as he pinched the top of his nose and yawned widely.

"A restless mind can take you places, but a well-rested mind takes you where you want to go." Byulyi pointed out a fair point and raised her concern towards him, "Speaking of places, Eric I'm sure you have nowhere to sleep tonight. There's no way I'm letting you return home."

"So, what do you suggest?" he asked.

Byulyi tapped her fingers on the table before answering, "You can sleep at my place-"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" snapped the sleepyhead duo Yongsun and Wendy, who were close to reaching dreamland just seconds ago. Watching them all flustered, Byulyi immediately understood what went through their heads, so she signalled to Eric by wiggling her left brow and smirked.

As if they have siblings' telepathy, he nodded like he understood what to do next and proceeds to support her, "Why not? We grew up together, we even bathe together there's nothing that we haven't seen-"

"Ah!!! No, no, no! Shut up! Shut up! Stop talking I don't wanna hear it!" yelled Yongsun and Wendy whilst covered their ears shut. Byulyi and Eric then made an eye contact before covering their mouth to mask their laughter but eventually cracked up. Hyejin joined in the laughter fest while saying, "Ya... who would've thought? Ssaem and Wendy have such dirty mind?"

Wheein face-palmed herself, "Seriously... Where am I? Why am I here?"

Looking at the trio having a time of their lives laughing, they soon realised they've been had. Yongsun yanked Byulyi's ear while Wendy did the same to Eric, "You both... Dare to joke at a time like this?"

After they had tone down their laughter to pleading for their poor ears, Byulyi further clarified herself, "You didn't let me finish my sentences... What I meant was Eric can stay at my place while I sleep here in Tteok Tokki, since I have a sleeping bag." They mouthed an "O" and nodded their head finally understanding her intention. Byulyi tossed her house key to Eric, and he caught it with one hand.

Wheein and Hyejin are the first duo to leave, even then their exit wasn't peaceful, "Wheeinie~ Can I go to your place?"

"It's Nurse Jung!... You can only call me that when we're alone. Besides, you have a big house why do you want to come over?"

"Aww... The big house is cold and empty. I wanna be with my Wheeinie in a tiny and warm space... Plus, I got hurt because-"

"Ah, okay, okay! You're just going to keep using that against me, huh?"

Hyejin responded by punching her fist in the air elatedly before turning her head to wave the group goodbye. The next pair to leave is Eric and Wendy, she volunteered to walk him to Byulyi house because she has been there and knew the way too.

Throughout the journey, she held unto his arm tightly to help him walk properly, but her mouths never shut up about, "So it's a lie? It's all a lie? You didn't bathe with Byulyi? You didn't see her naked?" He had to repeat his assurance to her, up to a point where he cursed Byulyi in his mind for starting this mess.

He eventually stood still and faced her, this time he had a serious look on his face as he explained to her, "Byulyi and I grew up together, but her childhood is full of tragic and pain. Since then, I swore to myself I'd be standing by her side no matter what happens."

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